New Home Forums Introductions Deb's video

5 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  MoveThinkSmile (Adam & Elea) 7 years, 8 months ago
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    Deborah Brandon

    With Judy’s mega help, I now have an intro video. As you can see from the end, though perfectly at ease teaching an auditorium full of students, I’m not exactly comfortable in front of the camera. Yes, I am working on it, practicing.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Wonderful to see you on camera Deborah.  Thank you for introducing yourself to the community in this way.

    I 100% would have been in your course when I was in my teens. Math was my nemesis in school. I was happy to get over the 50% mark. LOL

    Excited for your course vision to come to life.


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    YEAH DEBORAH!!!! This is awesome! It is so great to see you!!!!

    I totally wish I had a teacher like you! I’m a total “math-wary it’s so scary” person. I have to say, after reading about your ideas for your course it made me want to learn it!  I don’t need to learn calculus, but somehow reading about how you were explaining it in your theme idea made me want to learn and understand it. That shows a great teacher! You already have done great things and are going to do so much more! Thank you for being you! And doing this video intro to see you shine through!


    Cathy Howitt

    Hi Deborah,

    Feedback from your students is the best form of feedback, so I am glad you have listened to them and will take your passion to another level where you can help more students navigate their way through Mathematics. Having had lots of kids myself and seeing how some have really struggled while others have loved it, this course would be a great thing.

    Looking forward to connecting on the journey up the mountain.



    Deborah Brandon


    If you ever become curious, I’m betting I could show you that you have “what it takes,” and that you had it all along. I’m betting I could teach you calculus.

    I don’t have a magic formula or anything, or an innovative way of teaching math. It’s more to do with a student-teacher relationship that comes from mutual respect, where we listen to each other in order to communicate effectively. Teaching math effectively to the “math-wary” should have the recipe book format that too many teachers use. It’s about explaining the “why” before tackling the “how” in a way that makes sense to the audience, in a way that resonates with them. E.g. math is more about pattern recognition than anything else, and I’m not just talking about linear patterns (which some have an easier time recognizing than others).  Anytime you solve a problem, whether you want to figure out how to bake (good) gluten-free bread, how to fix your car, or how to teach us how to produce a great e-course, you are working recognizing patterns, some linear, some not, most a combination of the two.

    Can you tell I’m passionate about this?

    Enough. (For now.)



    MoveThinkSmile (Adam & Elea)

    Hi Deborah,

    Math anxiety…Oh My….that was me in school and still is me!!! How cool to have a teacher really address this. And now diving into humanities, very cool. I ditto your sentiments on enjoying thinking different!

    So interesting how video is such a different platform from speaking or teaching in front of a crowd. I just did my first FBlive last week and it was sooooo strange! But as we all know, it just takes a little practice and things fall into place.

    We just completed our intro video last night, Move Think Smile, and we need some tips on camera work and keeping it in focus…lol….but hey we’re all learning AND it’s not about perfection, it’s about progress! See you on the journey, cheers ~ Eléa (&Adam)



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