The idea of creating transformation, rather than just information was a sudden click… yes, of course that’s what I’m constantly trying to support my clients to do… I’ve been calling it ‘shifts’ or ‘change’ but the work is transformational. I love information and can get bogged down in it. However, I am also yearning for clarity.
Ideas are developing about a series of e-courses that build on each other, and create safe, holding space to allow reflection and check in and voice to emerge for people who are overwhelmed, in situational depression, or struggling with anxiety…
I want my ecourse to provide daily connection for 21 days to reframe, or narrate a more courageous, strength based story to the ones my clients currently live in. To allow them to see their own value – just by being exactly who they are – and practice self-kindness and self-compassion. I want the course to be nurturing and hold space for the baby steps of growth, change and transformation.
I would like the daily e-course to be motivational, supportive, and minimal – just a connection to facilitate being with self, and listening to self.
I’m typing and it all makes sense to me… so hope this doesn’t sound too garbled and repetitive!