New Home Forums Community, Engagement & Gamification CREATING COMMUNITIES of LASTING HABIT CHANGE

0 replies, 1 voice Last updated by  DavidJ Jurasek 6 years, 8 months ago
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    DavidJ Jurasek

    I want to open this thread up. The topic has been touched on with behaviour change and Octalasis and gamification, but I want to reflect more deeply on how to create COMMUNITIES (and larger movements) that not only inspire learning but help people who join them to make lasting behaviour changes.

    Here’s a great podcast that spurred me to reach out and start a discussion:

    From the author of this book:

    I’ve read many articles and books about habit changing and they offer some useful nuggets, but this guys seems to get the science of what actually works, lays it out clearly and with discernment (ie, different kinds of habits needs different approaches) and offers some really concrete tools to apply this.  Haven’t read the entire book, but listening to him connecting the dots on a lot of unanswered questions (ie, what type or rewards are best for what?) makes me intent on ordering it today!

    I would love to make this the thread of us sharing our BEST resources and reflections and questions about this!


    PS ~ @laurakoller I wonder what you think!

    PPS ~ @bradleytmorris, would you guys wanna interview this guy?




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