New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Crafting Plant Medicine Theme

4 replies, 4 voices Last updated by  Sharyn Warren 8 years, 8 months ago
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    Yarrow Willard

    My Course is: Crafting Plant Medicine
    My Theme is: Wild Island Herbal Adventuring, Foraging and Exploring the natural world and bringing that back to our everyday life.
    The in Classroom Video setting will be a Herbal Apothecary look, with Books on herbs, jars, mushrooms and other natural shrine items.
    Website, natural, organic, green with plants, wood and rocks. Bird and nature sounds for page turning and completion buttons. Plant rustling, Drum, didgeridoo sounds as you enter or progress through the course.
    Ideas presented will have the undercurrent of Developing Intuition and play. Creativity and experimentation. Not taking yourself to seriously and being ok with making mistakes or learning new ways as you go. This is a rough guideline to my best practices, but yours will come as you go along, developing your confidence and intuition. They will likely be different and uniquely yours.



    Sounds great Yarrow. I like your idea of a setting- an Herbal apothecary is a very attractive setting. The idea of intuition, play and being able to make mistakes sounds very inviting.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Soooo stoked to see this coming to life @yarrow!!!

    I’m wondering if you could post one or two sample Youtube videos here so everyone can see your style.

    The way you do video lessons is inspiring and worth everybody studying.

    Let us know if you need any help.


    Yarrow Willard

    This is one of our most recent videos on teaching people about Horsetail

    Horsetail – Old World Herb for New World Health

    This one is on Cedar
    Cedar “The Tree of Life”| Yarrow Willard Cl.H. | Harmonic Arts

    We put some good energy into making these. Definitely a fun way to engage people in the learning process.
    Let me know what you think…


    Sharyn Warren

    Wonderful creativity, Yarrow. Just watched Cedar “Tree of Life” video. Well done! Very engaging, with high quality production. And so information-packed! In fact, I think you can even break this remarkable video down into bite-size, easily digestible parts for a course. Making sure your learner understands not only the important benefits, but also the “cautions.” You may have already established this, but having a ritual like the one you showed at the beginning and/or end of the lesson for each plant seems important preparation and grounding. As you well noted, working with these energies is both powerful and sacred. Actually, I don’t mean to mind your business–you clearly know what you are doing! Thanks for sharing these–Awesome Sauce!

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