New Home Forums Sales & Marketing course website up!

14 replies, 8 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 5 months ago
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    Jessica Antonelli

    Eeeek! I did it!

    the website is live! It’s super simple, but it’s there, hanging out, ready to put people on the email list!

    Please take a minute to check out the site and make sure the video and pop-up load up alright, maybe even test that the email is all connected and functional?…Any other feedback would be GREATLY appreciated.

    I’m happy with how it looks so far, but I now that I’m actually putting this out in front of people’s eyes,   I’m already scheming to figure out how I’ll improve this page and get the information students will want to know before signing up on there.

    I just learned about a dozen and a half new things in the process of even this simple page, but now I feel like I’m in the swing of the challenges, Tarzan style, and I can tackle the next bit.

    I’m wondering about how accepting payments on here is going to work.

    I also have a video testimonial but I don’t want to distract too much from the opening video…then again testimonials are great…

    ok well, thanks everyone! and yay!


    Penny Claringbull

    @jescantonelli – wow!

    You have done an amazing job!

    You are wonderful in front of the camera, really warm and friendly. Students will feel very drawn to you, I have no doubt. I found myself longing to take the course. If only I had finished mine and had oodles of time, dammit. And aligning it with being in Mexico sounds fabulous *envy, envy*

    I did wonder if you could go one step further and include an outline of what students will learn underneath the header area. They will probably sign up anyway because your presence is so engaging, but you might catch a few more if they can see what the course will cover. Also, some people (I’m one of them) always read before they’ll watch a video, basically because I read much faster than speech and I get impatient – but not in this case! So having both mediums might help you cast a wider net.

    It’s lovely to see your course coming on board, your students are going to love it!




    OMGDDS @jescantonelli

    What an amazing and inspirational page – I love the design – the simplicity and clarity of it plus your warm playful and invitational video. I would definitely sign up if I was looking to study art. WELL DONE xxxxx

    Did you use the teachable platform?



    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Huzzah, Jessica!

    Tested the email subscribe. Your URL for the thank you page has a space at the beginning and is missing the:  in http://. When I get to the thank you page, the button to your main site is missing the http:// entirely and/or starts with a / and tries to take me to a non-existent page on the 10 steps site. Both are easy fixes once you get the hang of things.

    I’m assuming the site is WordPress, so setting up payment processing has lots of options. I forget what plugins you chose for delivering the class (Zippy?), but that is the first place to start for accepting payments.

    If you need a hand, let me know!
    So exciting! I’m certainly looking forward to your July launch.


    Jessica Antonelli

    Thank you all so much!

    @pennyclaringbull you read my mind. I am hoping to add a course outline underneath the opt-in. I want to have something appealing for the readers as well as the visual people for sure.

    @calliope6 I am not using teachable. This page was a Thrive landing page that I updated with images I made in and photoshop.

    The course part of the website is Zippy Courses, and I’m not 100% sure yet at what point people will see that section, but so far I am learning as I go.

    @waynebuckhanan Thank you so much for spotting that!! I just fixed it, and if you didn’t get a chance to see the thank you page, I hope you take a peek just for the sake of the celebratory logo explosion that happens 🙂

    So grateful for your support and feedback!

    So my next steps are to outline what is in the class on the landing page here, and start putting this page out into the world in front of my future students. I also want to get the check-out system hooked up soon so people can start purchasing.

    More to come soon!





    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    You’re welcome, Jessica.

    I had seen the thank you page but had missed the distinction between logos! On the thank you page, the “Click Here” button to take you to still needs the URL tweaked (probably just need to add the http:// part when editing the button’s URL in Thrive).

    And FYI:




    Really beautiful Jessica. You are so adorable on camera-and I’m sure in life. It is a wonderful, authentic video.



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Holy Wow @jescantonelli, I honestly got tears in my eyes watching this. It’s so good!

    Knowing how much you’ve had to grow, push and persevere to get to this point, I just want to commend you. The intro video is excellent, fun, creative and it really brings out your personality and what this course is all about. You did such a great job with it. Those Medias brothers will be proud.

    As for payment, I have sent a smoke signal to @Master_ZenTeach and @andyfreist to help you with that.

    The video testimonial could be a good email you send out in your ‘sales process’ when you’re shopping cart is open and folks need that extra little incentive to sign up.

    Wow wow WOW. This made my day!

    Way to rock it. Can’t wait to see the whole course!

    Let us know if you have anymore questions.


    Lisa R

    Squeeee! Jessica this is sooooo cool. I love your video. You are a total natural and the camera loves you!

    So excited to see your launch!



    Deb Robson

    @jescantonelli, this is fantastic–as others have noted {grin}. I like so many things about it, but especially the clips of you teaching in various environments, and the bit where you’re at the easel and being a little goofy: what that says to me is that you’re going to be an encouraging and attentive teacher with a sense of humor.

    Lots of little touches here that really rock this first video, from the “smudge” (of pencil/charcoal/drawing tool) below the video frame to the images of you drawing the course title.

    I liked it so much I watched it twice. And If I could do it right now, I’d sign up (even though I do know how to draw: I want to know how you approach the topic).




    Jessica Antonelli

    Aw Deb @robson thank you so much! I was really happy about that little smudge under the video, although I didn’t think anyone would notice it so much.

    I’ll send out version 2.0 once I have it all updated, thanks for your support!!


    Deb Robson

    @jescantonelli, I didn’t see the smudge during my first viewing. I’ve been a publication designer for decades, though, so I grinned when I did pick it up and realize that it was having a lovely, subtle effect on the page design.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    How’s it been going @jescantonelli?

    Did you see Marketa Ridge is up and ready for you to climb!?


    Jessica Antonelli

    Hey @bradleymorris !

    Thanks for checking in, I saw Marketa Ridge yesterday and I’m pumped that the timing is so perfect!

    Right now my challenge is that I am traveling and I’m trying to rip my focus away from the jungle covered mountains of Chiapas and the dazzle of the amber in the markets and get down to my own business…I think I’m going to just send my peeps an email from where I am describing the sights and talking about how to draw on the road…but tonight my goal is to update the landing page with testimonials and get the cart open…

    Back to climbing the ridge!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Jessica, we’ve been missing you on the mountain.

    Wanted to see how everything’s going with your first group of students?

    Are you working on your next course yet?

    Looking forward to your next update when you get time.

    Love and smoke signals!

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