New Home Forums Tech Support & Bug Squashing Course Content Questions

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 9 years, 1 month ago
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    Chris Gilmour

    Hello Guys,

    I have the trial pass right now and am thinking seriously about signing up for the full course. I do have a few questions about the content you will be delivering later on in the course. It seems like the course is set up so far as a bit of a self (and buddy/community) directed journey, I love the format and the PDF’s around creativity. When you cover the components around marketing and the technical side (setting up your website,creating video,etc) how much detail will you be going into? Will this be very self guided research as well or will you be downloading some info and lessons around how to do all of this?

    Thanks, I look forward to your response.

    Chris G


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hey @chrisg!

    Welcome to the adventure. Glad to have you here and thanks for the questions.

    Though your process is guided at your pace, we are here with you every step of the way. You have the forum to receive both our feedback, as well as the support of your fellow adventurers. Every Checkpoint we make it to will have it’s own dedicated forum.

    We’ll also be having weekly coaching webinars, where you’ll have that extra opportunity to ask questions and listen to the questions of others.

    The lessons when we get to the more tech-related thing will be extremely supportive.

    We’ll share best practices for developing your video/audio experience. We’ll teach proper ways to storyboard and moodboard your media experiences so the vibe stays consistent.

    When it comes to building your platform, we’ll be helping you make the best decision for the technology to use for your platform based on where you’re at, your level of experience and the needs of your eCourse.

    We’ll provide plenty of support and if we’re missing something, then your questions can help spark a new lesson or supportive piece of material.

    Let me know if this is clear enough for you.

    Happy trails.

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