New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Contemplating Tranformation

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by  Andy Freist 9 years ago
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    I have been contemplating how I want to create transformation thought my ecourse and today I finally had that moment of realization – the in person course that I am converting already has that built in so I can stop beating my head against a wall trying to knock something loose!
    The Tarot class I am converting has a side by side teaching – one part is how to read Tarot cards, but the other part is the Philosophy, the Spiritual Laws and Lessons within the cards. That is where the Transformation lies – it happens naturally.
    I speak from experience as my mentor sure transformed me in the process!!


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Awesome – always love me a good “ah-ha” moment!

    Funny how usually the answer we are running around in circles trying to discover is just sitting right there in front of us.

    Good job putting in the legwork. It’s paying off!

    Keep on keeping on.. Many more ah-ha’s are on the way 😉

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