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Deb Robson 9 years ago

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I am, and always have been, fascinated by people and have a wide range of personal and business contacts.
I just wanted to remind people not to judge others when thinking about people who might be able to help you promote your course. If you get on with someone and they understand what you want to do, nurture that interest and connection and they will help you. It is not just about those people or what they do but who they can tell about you, their families and friends, neighbours, current or former workmates, clients etc
I am currently a homeopath – some people I meet at big networking events assume I’m a bit of a hippy and they think all that stuff is rubbish – so they make it clear they aren’t interested and very quickly move on to someone they deem a better ‘prospect’.That actually makes me chuckle.. because if they talked to me for a couple of minutes they would find out what else I do..
Before I became a homeopath I worked for many years in academic research in geology and chemistry. Many of the young students I worked with 20 years ago are now extremely influential in universities, finance, politics and industry. I also run an active rural business networking group with over 270 members made up of businesses, local government, festivals, charities and community groups – so if people are rude or ignore me.. that is their loss – they will never reach any of my contacts.
The most fabulous networker I know is Fiona the local dog groomer. She is really busy and meets people of all backgrounds when they bring their dogs in to see her. We live in a tourist area so many visitors also bring their dogs to her when they are on holiday – she is a big fan of homeopathy and as a result I have got so many client referrals from her I have lost count.
So.. looking at blogs and websites of people doing similar stuff is great advice and will definitely help.. but..don’t forget about your local hairdresser or dog groomer who could turn out to be your biggest champion!
Hi @stuffjolikes – thank you SO much for writing this post. This is such an important topic, and you are SO on-point!
If I look back on my life, I find that many of my biggest successes and accomplishments can be traced back to a single moment of innocently meeting people. In most cases, I could have never guessed that meeting this or that person would begin a new life trajectory that has carved the path to where I am today.
I am learning more and more to just be open and receptive, and provide value where I can – because as you pointed out, we simply just cannot rely on our initial judgements.
Indeed the world works in mysterious ways 🙂
Great, Jo. I’m a handspinner (yarn-maker) and knitter. I get dismissed, too, especially when I say I work with sheep and wool (although that gets a few more seconds of attention). Who’d guess that I know where to find all the cutting-edge researchers in genetic studies revealing global relationships and movements of animals, including humans?
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