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February 4, 2016 at 10:15 am #15709
In the video segment for “Deciding Your What” the ranking for course ideas is 1-10, but the “idea generator 3000 document” has the rankings from 1-20 for some categories, and 1-50 for others. I realize that this is a filtering exercisere and that you may have altered the weighting for a reason. Which approach is a more accurate evaluation (even weighting or slanted)?
For those like Brad and Andy who have MADE a course – would you say that profitability is really 2.5 times more valuable than your excitement in creating the course? The excitement level you both have for creating this course really shines through and it makes the course itself more enjoyable and valuable. Because of that, I have no doubt it will be profitable for you. I also imagine that someone’s passion to create their course will carry them a long way through setbacks and obstacles.
I’d love to hear opinions on this!
February 4, 2016 at 10:22 pm #15882Good point Jeff.. Originally, we had a scale of 1-10, then we changed it to a weighted decision matrix as we really wanted to put more emphasis of making sure everyone chose financially viable topics. That said, we have been learning VERY quickly that what we are creating here goes beyond profitability, and that our quality of life comes first. Being stoked about what we do is ground zero.
So low and behold, it looks like we may just change it all back to even 10’s 😉 Though the “how much do you know about this topic” is actually less important, since you could create an amazing course you know nothing about as long as you bring someone onboard who does! (or do lots of research)
Would love to know, what weights would YOU give each criteria?! 🙂
February 5, 2016 at 10:06 am #15913I’d rank excitement (backed by a powerful “why”) one of the most important factors because you can detirmine it accurately. A deep passionate excitement will also detirmine the kind of course you create, and will fuel your detirmination to see it through.
I feel like Painkiller / Demand / Profitability are very subjective without good tools to properly evaluate. These numbers felt more like a wild guess than anything substantial, so giving them more weight seems dangerous. I understand the need to consider these factors, I just want a less subjective way to do it.
February 5, 2016 at 11:43 am #15935It’s funny you should ask @Jeff_kuipers. This was a big part of one of our conversations yesterday while out on our hike. So no coincidence you back it up by questioning. I agree with you Jeff. Our excitement and passion is more important than profitability. Because if we can create something that kicks ass and has our enthusiasm and creativity infused into it, then we can find an equally creative way to market it and make money sharing it. I appreciate your question and for exploring this topic more deeply.
February 5, 2016 at 11:28 pm #16000Yep, as Brad said we are realizing that the scale needs to be reworked a bit 😉
Thanks for the feedback. You officially just helped change the course of the adventure FOREVER… Mwahahaha
February 6, 2016 at 3:45 pm #16011Do I get a badge for that? 😀
February 6, 2016 at 8:01 pm #16014Ya know what.. I think you just might 😉
February 7, 2016 at 4:04 pm #16068We are definitely going to make a badge for situations like this @Jeff_kuipers. I think we may call it the “Game Changers Badge.”
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