All my life I’ve identified myself an artist, and I do digital art professionally – so you’d think making time for personal creativity would be natural right? Nope.
Despite the value I put on art, I have huge blocks around allowing myself to have creative time for myself. It’s been easy to dream of the “someday” when I have loads of time/money and can justify “selfishly” spending as much time as I want doing my own art.
This week Catherine and I have held to a daily morning commitment of going for a walk and then spending an hour doing this course. I have switched that in my mind to an hour of “personal creative time” before work, and I can’t tell you how powerful that is for me. 2 important realizations:
This course has become an expression of my personal creativity
When the course is over I will continue this habit with other creative projects!
Next is scheduling 2 hours every weekend for purely personal creative experiments. (Notice I’m not putting the pressure on myself of “Making Art”). Making consistent daily and weekly time to be personally creative feels like massive progress.
I don’t want to just “dream” about an ideal life when everything is perfect – I want to live it today.
I hear you big time on this one @Jeff_kuipers. I made the commitment to live my dream life now a few years ago and STILL to this day I resist doing the things that I truly want to do whether it be golfing, creating this kick ass eCourse adventure, or just chilling out and taking a nap. Slowly but surely, doing the things that bring me joy and pleasure is becoming easier. I commend you for your commitment and yes’s.