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January 17, 2016 at 7:45 pm #11656
My name is Luma~Catherine Malone. My soul home is on Saltspring Island, BC, though I am currently on an extended stay in my hometown, Toronto.
I have a small private practice as an Akashic Record and Multi-dimensional Insight Consultant. I assist highly sensitive people in understanding life experiences from an inter-dimensional soul perspective. My work continues to evolve and includes timeline and ancestral clearing, holographic blueprint re-programming, opening portals of perception and multi-dimensional neural pathway upgrades. I draw on many years of study and practice in yoga, meditation, metaphysics, astrology, energy healing and sacred sound. I also dj and facilitate ecstatic dance as part of the Dance Temple Collective and I weave magic scarves.
http://www.soulessenceakasha.comWhy I signed up for The Great eCourse Adventure:
I realized I needed positive support, encouragement and technical know-how to take my work and income UP to a new level. I also needed new inspiration and new skills to package up the huge pile of information, expertise and experiences I’ve collected and get it out into the marketplace. When I found The Great eCourse Adventure I felt a big yes. I am super happy to support local Saltspringers and know I can let my inner freak out to play with this team. And to feel the fear of stepping forward and just doing it and still feeling scared shitless and doing it anyway…. so here I am.What kind of e-course I want to create:
Oh my! Lots of ideas and possibilities percolating! My big picture cosmic vision is to create an online hub to assist in opening portals of perception, unleashing wild soul brilliance, activating big self love and well Being, clearing out the mess that is obscuring the more beautiful world and inspiring folks to create wonderful innovations. And my more down-here-on-Earth vision is, I just want to illuminate ways for good people to stop believing obsolete negative programming, feel their own amazing soul goodness and perceive that reflected to them everywhere they are. My course would include things like; the practice of deep soul listening, how to open akashic records and play in the akashic field, inter-dimensional communication, multi-dimensional sensing and navigating, understanding and clearing karmic imprints and memory, starBeing cosmology.I do a lot of teaching in my 1 on 1 sessions and want put these tools and processes into an ecourse format so clients can learn how to clear, connect and activate themselves.
What makes me come most alive * Beauty * Wonder * Magic * Nature * Transformation * Depth * Intensity * Sensory experience *
January 18, 2016 at 1:52 pm #11876Wow @lumasphera, it is so awesome to have you here.
So many gifts. So much to share. Yup, you’re on the right mountain. It’s time you get your work out to more people in the world.
Fear not friend, this is just one big, awesome adventure!! We’re here to have fun, learn, grow and share.
Looking at all the ideas for courses, you’re going to need a great audio mic for recording guided audios (that was my first though). If you use an iPhone, I have been using the Zoom iQ5 mic, which is pretty solid for doing audios (when in a padded room). Just felt like I should mention that so you can get your mic asap and start practicing!
Super grateful to have another Salt Springer on the mountain with us. There must be 5 or so by now…
Happy hiking Luma!
January 18, 2016 at 9:13 pm #11988Thanks for the encouragement Bradley! I know I’m on the right mountain. I had an epic hiking dream before I registered for the course…. And happy to catch some SSI vibe while I am away in Toronto. Hope to be back on the island by March.
You totally hit the mark on recording guided audios for my courses. I’ve already recorded a few in the past on my Zoom H2 Recorder. It’s a great little device with a built in mic that captures good sound quality and can plug into a sound board. I’ve been writing down lots of guided processes, so good idea to make a regular practice of recording instead. Saves time and #GSD 😉January 19, 2016 at 12:35 pm #12046Woohoo. Glad you’re all ready in that flow of recording. You’ve nailed it. Just write down all yoru guided processes and start recording when the inspiration hits. Just be sure you’re in a quiet, padded room so you get no reverberation (echoes) or background sounds.
January 19, 2016 at 8:04 pm #12154Hi Luma, I just found your post. I have discovered that this format is a little cumbersome in locating who is here and what they are up to!
Anyway, I just wanted to acknowledge my appreciation for your being here. I have had several sessions with a reader of the Akashic records and found them to be very helpful. My current playground is in the field with how cabalistic and tarot archetypes inform, illuminate and guide the psycho-spiritual journey. I left a long career in psychotherapy 2 years ago. It was a good place to be for a long time, but I knew all along that it was not my real home. One of the things that I didn’t realize at the time I closed my practice was the releasing process had just begun. Not just an old identity. But one relationship after another.
All this by way of saying that I am paying attention to the amazing ways and interesting people that are helping to usher in the new paradigm.
I think there are quite a few of us on this mountain, and am wondering if there is some way that we can all connect with one another. I think I will check in with Andy about this. Would something like that be of interest to you? When it comes launch time for our e-course, there may be many of us who can help spread the word about one another’s offerings.
It’s nice to see you here and best wishes for a wonderful adventure.January 22, 2016 at 7:51 pm #12680Glad you found me here @sharynwa. Yes I would like to connect up. I know that working in triads to hold space for overcoming obstacles and meeting in mastermind groups to really hash out ideas, are very supportive on this journey we are on. I would be interested in creating this in addition to having an accountability buddy. I tend to isolate and …. woah! a beautiful red fox just trotted by my window, doubled back and came right up to the window and gave me a long look! um, ya, so we are not on this journey alone anymore. Have you found a few other folks that might be interested in forming a small group?
The kabbalah and tarot are such potent tools. I have done a lot of work with them in the past and often refer to the symbolism to help me navigate. I have also been going through old identities crumbling away and my multi-dimensional self emerging. It’s an intense journey, and i’m grateful to be in the midst of it. Working with the Akashic records is helping me to navigate it all and be a wayshower for others.
January 25, 2016 at 11:16 pm #13569I am in!!! just had all my text deleted. ugh…….anyway, Keep in touch with me also ladies.. I have to hit the sack now, have a IVIG patient teaching tomorrow and then off to NY.. facebook me. i sent the info to Luma.. huge hugs and I am happy to be meeting fellow lightworkers here!
May 31, 2016 at 3:43 pm #23953Okay, so since I started this adventure way, way, way back in the winter of 2016 ( which feels like a bajillion light years away!) everything has changed. Yes, EVERYTHING! It seems I activated the Warp Drive button and am experiencing Super expedited UPgrade time. And its all happening on the fly. As I move. As I hit resistance and feel like i’m moving in slow motion and then everything speeds up and I feel overwhelmed. And I try to make it stop, but I can’t. I’m experiencing the transformation I’m going to be guiding others through. I am only one step ahead. Fearlessly freaked out and stepping into Unknown territory. New Earth? New Paradigm? Light speed Evolution? Quantum Human Upgrade? I don’t know, but I feel Amazing. Even when I fell awful, terrified, stuck, bored, even then, I just feel more of everything.
SO in the spirit of something new emerging in some kind of raw elemental state, i created this no-tech low-tech video on my iphone today. TODAY is the day. Just do it. Jump into the Light…..
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
Luma Malone.
May 31, 2016 at 5:14 pm #23971Hello 🙂
I love how watching these videos gives such an amazing level of connection that just isn’t possible with text.
What a fun video.
You’ve got some bajillion coming your way 🙂
May 31, 2016 at 5:22 pm #23979Fabulous, @LumaSphera! You’ve got it. I love your hair. And your unscripted, unrehearsed “Just do it Jump into the Light” ness. You’ve got this.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
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