New Home Forums Weekly Coaching Sessions Coaching Campfire (Oct 19): "The Art of Script Writing your Lessons"

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  • #30984

    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    1:30 GEA “Outer Space Adventure” goes LIVE next week, Oct. 27th! The guys give us the lowdown on it’s creation which WILL include Holograms! Andy gives us an “insiders” sneak peak on the awesome slides he created for the the presentation! So exciting!!

    9:35 Kathy asks about the SCRIPT WRITING PROCESS for her course.

    21:13 Filming day tips.

    26: Reality Check: Hilarious stories of HUGE filming misconceptions in the beginning GEA days.

    30:00 You MUST believe in what you are creating!

    32:17 Green screen tips.

    39:15  Find out why posting a tutorial with value (or immediate result) and a CTA on FB that points people to a “trailer” on a landing/sales page worked well for them.

    41:50 Brad asks for feedback on the Webinar Landing page for the Outer-Space Adventure.

    43:54 Jennifer Louden formerly of “Teach Now” becomes an AFFILIATE for GEA!

    45:00 Feedback from GEA-ers on the new landing page comes flowing forth.

    46:43 Learn a great way to get the conversation going before your webinar/event even starts.

    49:15 Andy explains the process behind creating the landing page.

    56:25 B and A announce their meeting with Chris from Lifer LMS immediately following this broadcast!

    59:00 The transition from the very structured public call into the chillaxed feel of the member call….how can Andy channel more of his relaxed self into the public call?

    See you all next week!

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