New Home Forums Course Creation Resources CherryTree Free Download-More than just an outline

8 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Lorraine Watson 8 years, 4 months ago
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    Trish Hyatt

    When your brain is so full of info that you’re having trouble getting it down on paper,  you want cherrytree. It’s brilliant.
    This link contains an anchor tag that takes you to the right part of the page for the windows download.

    I used the following as I use windows.
    microsoft windows installer: cherrytree_0.37.4_setup.exe

    In no time I had my outline up, I can see it in Tree form and I’m finding places to add in all the other notes and expand and move things around as I go.
    I pulled the file in to my dropbox so I can access it from my laptop when I travel.

    This is the main page


    Catherine Fox

    Hi Trish, thank you for this! It reminds me of Scrivener which is something I found very helpful for writing long documents… have downloaded cherry tree I think it’s just what I need right now


    Lorraine Watson

    I’ve been using Evernote to develop my outline and capture thoughts / links. @trish_hyatt, what would you say are the key differences between Evernote and Cherry Tree?


    Trish Hyatt

    Hope it works well for you @Catherine Fox.



    Trish Hyatt

    @lorraine Watson, I really like the tree view on the left. You can insert images and tables.
    I don’t see a phone app for it and it’s not resident online like Evernote but I don’t work on my phone anyways.

    You can access the manual here:

    For some reason the main site is showing an error right now, maybe they’re updating.
    My son is very particular about where he downloads from and this is the one he’s been using.

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    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Thanks for the pointer to cherrytree, Trish!

    As Catherine says, cherrytree looks similar to Scrivener when used as an outliner. Scrivener has some other cool features, too, like “scrivenings” mode and some fancy exporters that I don’t see immediately in cherrytree’s feature list. But cherrytree is open source (a big plus in my mind), so it may just be a matter of time until it has a given feature or you could hire someone to add it.

    I am a big fan of Xmind for organizing my thoughts visually.
    There is a view that includes the outline like cherrytree’s left pane, you can add text to each node in Xmind, and there are multiple ways to export it (to Word, as a PDF, etc).

    And, Lorraine, I haven’t gotten into Evernote, so can’t compare directly. I find that with dropbox in the background, I get the bulk of the benefits I’ve seen for Evernote and I get to use whatever software is most appropriate for each device.



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Thanks Trish. This is very similar to Scrivener (which I really loved) until we switched to Evernote. Now I JUST use evernote. Howeve,r you’re right. Having the visual of “Modules and Lessons” is super handy.

    I think Scrivener cost me about $45. Unfortunately, i Haven’t used it much since.

    Is there a cost to cherrytree?

    Thanks for that link Dr. Wayne. Pumped to get you back on the mountain more regular. I wanna see your outerspace adventure in the real world!


    Trish Hyatt

    It is Free @Bradley Morris


    Lorraine Watson

    As a side note, there appears to be some third party apps/programs for Evernote – Kanbanote (Trello-esque), Mohiomap and Bubble Browser.

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