New Home Forums Tech Support & Bug Squashing Character Poll

5 replies, 4 voices Last updated by  Andy Freist 8 years, 7 months ago
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    Lorraine Watson

    Okay, I give. Where / how do I add myself to this list:
    Find Your Peeps
    Big Thinker / Idea Generator 4
    Introverted 3
    GSD (Get’s Shit Done!) 3
    Team Player 3
    Motivator / Cheerleader 2
    Connector / Match­maker 2
    Creative / Artist 2
    Great Listener 1
    Extroverted 1
    Tech Nerd 1
    Can we add categories?


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    @lorrainewatson, it looks like filling in the new profile section “What I bring to the Community” (a la Andy’s profile) will add those to the sidebar.

    And, yes, it looks free-form so you can add your own terms or existing ones just by typing them in the boxes.

    The only caveat I’d say is know they are still working on that section of the site, so it may break/change/morph before your very eyes!



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hey @lorrainewatson, just go to “Profile” (see left side bar) and click on “About.”

    Over in the right hand column is a little grey gear thingy. Click that, go to edit Profile. (we know it’s a little tough to see, but @andyfreist will make that more user friendly when his feet land back on Hawaiian soil this week).

    Then you can go through all the questions and upgrade your profile.

    If you have others for the”fill in the blank ones” that we missed but you think would be pretty Universal, let us know your suggestions!


    Lorraine Watson

    @waynebuckhanan & @bradkleytorris – ahhhh, I see now that the Personal Traits, Art Forms, Business Skills and Tech Skills are drop down lists.

    Under personal traits I’d like to be able to add: intuitive, logical, green-minded, detail orientened, non-woo, dreamer

    Under art forms: photographer, inventor, author, blogger

    Under business skills – heart-centred, conscious entrepreneur, trainer

    Under tech skills: PC/Windows, Mac


    Lots more I can think of that others might like to see but will let them chime in.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Thanks so much for these suggestions @lorrainewatson. They are all great.

    @andyfreist and I will make the upgrades once his feet are back in hawaii! Stay tuned 🙂


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Yes, more suggestions please! This is a group effort 🙂

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