New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Chapter Titles – Take 1

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  • #16792

    Chris Gilmour

    Here is my first go a the transformations and “chapter” titles.

    Transformation 1 – Optimizing Human Potential in a Changing World
    Through this transformation we will look at the evolution of dependency on modern infrastructure (and the illusion of it’s stability), Look at “Who is Coyote? – resilience embodied”, and deepen our understanding of human potential in changing times. Module is focused on Inspiration and Motivation

    Transformation 2 -Distilling the Sea of Information, What is Actually Relevant and What is Eating Away Your Time?
    Through this transformation we will streamline our training and preparations but cutting through the mountain of information and figuring out what YOU actually need to know to do your best at keeping your friends family and community safe and ideally thriving in a changing world.

    Transformation 3 – Level 1 of Course – Lets get Strategic
    This is where we really dive in and start to grow. The transformation will occur through creating your training strategy as well as having a better understanding of emergency preparedness and response strategies and general strategies to thrive in changing times.

    Transformation 4 – Level 2 – Training Begins, Skills of the Protector
    – Shelter, Water, Fire, Food, Tools, Medicine, Communications, Systems and Safety. These are the tools in your belt and the better you know them the more adaptable and resilient you become.

    Transformation 5 – Level 3 – Deepening Perception and a New Awareness
    Through this transformation we will use strategies and tools used by leaders in the fields of emergency management and self sufficiency around the world and begin to cultivate a new awareness and heightened senses to walk through the world with. Eye’s of the Protector.

    Transformation 6 – Level 4 – Celebrating Success and Tracking Growth
    We have come along ways so far, it is time to take inventory of everything we have learned thus far and celebrate this milestone!

    Transformation 7 – Level 5 – A Broader Perspective & Deeper Understanding
    Through this transformation we will zoom out a bit, and look at the world, it’s history and our community through a birds eye view. The transformation is in the growth of your perception and your deepening understanding of how YOU fit into the bigger story and your community.

    Transformation 8 – Level 6 – Embodying the Protector & Preparing for Your Unique Next Steps
    As we wrap up this step in the journey you begin to truly embody the essence of the protector. This is a unique path with a different meaning for everyone. Here we dream the next leg of our journey and truly make the lessons from this course our own.

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