New Home Forums Sales & Marketing Challenging task: writing the letter

9 replies, 6 voices Last updated by  sharon Lock 8 years, 8 months ago
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    Deb Robson

    I had to go at this twice, and finally get something by end-running it.

    I started by writing a letter to my ultimate customer, keeping the guiding questions in mind. At 1500 words, I’d only gotten the basic story up to 1981. Unwieldy!

    So I found Bradley’s list of questions in a response at this campfire and went at the task from another direction: simply writing responses to the questions. 1100 words, although there are three bits I still want to elaborate on. Much more manageable.


    Lorraine Watson

    Great going Deb @robson! Sometimes even going taking the long and winding trail gets one primed for the shorter one.

    Do you remember which campfire has the questions?


    Deb Robson

    @lorrainewatson, I don’t know how to link directly to the list of questions @bradleytmorris wrote out for @laurieszott under “northern star sales letter” in this campfire–but I can quote the information so you can find it:

    Bradley said (on May 19, 2016, at 1:13 p.m):

    “Something that might help is to write out a list of questions you’d want to answer for your customer.

    Well who are you?
    Why are you teaching this topic?
    Why’d you create this eCourse?
    What are your credentials or how long have you been doing this?
    What makes your course different or better?
    Why would I want to pay you my money?
    What’s this course all about?
    What will I learn?
    What are some specific benefits if I sign up with you?
    What sort of results have you gotten other people? (stories and testimonials)

    If you break it down into just answering questions, that’ll give you a storehouse of answers for all of the ways you’re going to spark this conversation and create sales content.

    Hope this helps make the breakdown process simpler.”


    Lorraine Watson

    Thanks! Deb @robson -reposting here was perfect.

    Do you have the bones of a letter to share yet?


    Deb Robson

    @lorrainewatson, glad to help! I’m hoping to work on a letter tomorrow.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Way to go @robson, that is fantastic!!!

    If/when you feel brave and ready to share, we’d love to see your letter.

    Thanks for posting the list of questions. Those are definitely super helpful for the refining phase. I should actually put them in the journalling questions so everyone receives them.


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Congrats on finding a path forward even though the first route wasn’t working for you, Deb!

    Looking forward to reading it.


    Penny Claringbull

    I’ve just done my rambling 1000 word initial letter but the ‘proper’ one is going to take a while I think. Thanks for posting the question list – and I too would love to read yours! And share mine when it’s done 🙂



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Awesome @pennyclaringbull, can’t wait to read what you’ve got.

    and EVERYONE who’s come this far!


    sharon Lock

    Great thread @deb, thanks so much for sharing.

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