New Home Forums Progress Logs CC (Courageous Caregiver) log one

3 replies, 4 voices Last updated by  Sharyn Warren 9 years ago
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    Share where you are currently: I am currently getting excited about this course. I am trying to get super organized as I have many things on my plate. what you intend you accomplish: I intend to accomplish figuring out how to get the notes into evernote.. on my computer it wont’ open and it is a series of steps to have it export so I am just sending them to myself via email; but I am not satisfied with this.. I will start writing in evernote by Tuesday. Action steps you are going to take: I will ask Andy for help.



    @nikiking That’s the spirit, partner!! I’m so glad that evernote and mac are doing all of that for me! But this is nothing…a mere pebble in your shoe…it’ll be history in a hot minute! You got this…


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Never fear, @andyfreist is here. I saw he sent you instructions for Evernote. We’ll get you sorted out by Tuesday easily! Stoked to have you here on the mountain and that you’re getting yourself prepped for the long, awesome journey ahead.


    Sharyn Warren

    Hey Nikiking, saw that you are sorting out evernote and other nefarious tech issues. Keep going. It takes a bit, but has great potential for organizing all those bits and pieces of thoughts, pictures, brainstorm ideas, etc. Hoping I will eventually be able to have everything organized–read, easily retrievable–right there instead of  scattered thoughtout 57 notebooks scattered all over the house. 😉

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