New Home Forums Tech Support & Bug Squashing Can't "Reply" to Progress Notes messages

3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by  Andy Freist 9 years ago
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    Sharyn Warren

    Hey Andy,  I have received several messages to my post in Progress Notes and I would like to reply.

    The box opens when I click on “Reply”, but when I try to type a message, nothing happens. Nada. Any suggestions? Obviously this box is working, so I am not sure what the deal is in Progress Notes. Thanks!



    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Hi Sharyn,

    So you’re trying to just reply to your Progress Log thread?

    Go here, scroll to the bottom and write a reply:

    Let me know if that works, or if I’m not understanding your problem 🙂


    Sharyn Warren

    Sorry not to be more clear. I can add to the thread at the bottom, no problem. But I want to reply to some of the individuals specifically. For example, 2 people commented on  my post. There is a “reply” button by each of their posts, when clicked on opens up a message box within their post. But when I try to type a message, nothing happens. I hope that makes more sense. 😉



    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Ah, I understand now.. I will look into this – thanks for letting us know!

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