Of the many things that having more money from selling eCourses will provide, there are three things I can bring into my life now.
Seeing more theatre: All of the local community theatres use volunteer ushers who get to see the shows for free. This week, I will email the 8 that are within easy driving distance and ask to be added to their volunteer roster.
Travel by myself and with my kids: I will plan one excursion with the kids in Ontario every other month during ringette season and one every month in the other months. I will plan one trip away for at least one night by myself at least every other month.
More time relaxing with my kids: In December, I had a practice of inviting my kids to play games with me after school on Mondays. I will continue that practice.
Three Cheers for Theater Lovers! Volunteering as an usher is a magical insider’s treat! You get to help patrons and see the show! Theater volunteers and community theaters are fantastic creative artist dates! I hope all the theaters reply back to you and ask what your availability is for the rest of the show season! Bravo Bravo — Great idea!
And the bimonthly focus on travel (with the family and alternating with a Mommy Needs A BatterY Recharge solo nite) is a great way to infuse adventure and self care. I like the way you think.
And three cheers for mums who create time to play with their kiddos. Game Mondays is a tradition that creates memories and an anchor of connection for the rest of the week!
Stepping into A future self by creating opportunities to make a big deal out of the little things that bring us Huge joy and satisfaction!
We shall see about ushering. I have mixed feelings about the community theatres in the area and am not convinced it won’t make me more frustrated about not getting to the theatres I want to go to. But it’s worth exploring.
My own show goes into rehearsal this week, so my availability for ushering will be limited, but directing a good play with a great cast is my greatest joy and I have a great cast lined up and the script is solid, so I have a fun, creative, few months of theatre ahead of me.