New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Better than An Elevator Speech Chapters

4 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Darla Antoine 9 years ago
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    Kate Arms

    Module 1: Connect with Your Inner CEO (Compassionate Entrepreneurial Officer)

    Exercises to deepen your connection to your inner authority

    Connect with the Big Why
    Module 2: Whole-hearted Networking – what it is and why it works

    Understand how and why this approach is different
    Module 3: Your Three-Sentence Story

    Get On/Get Off/Ask a follow-up question
    Module 4: Cultivating Charisma: Shine on the Outside

    Resonant Voice

    Module 5: Infuse Your Story with Heart: Shine From the Inside

    Acting techniques for delivering words simply yet connected to both the audience and your inner emotion
    Module 6: Ignition: Stepping Out Into The World
    Practice, Practice, Practice


    I am noticing that Module 4 has more content and Module 2 has less content. I do not think this is necessarily a problem, but I will want to set up expectations to address that. Perhaps even breaking Module 4 into three separate sections.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    You’ve really tightened this up @Kate_Arms. This is going to be an awesome resource for people, I can tell already. 

    The ‘connecting to your inner emotion exercise’ will be powerful for people. I know it’s a practice I get present to when at busy networking events or connecting with new people (staying inside myself).

    Exciting to see it all coming together. More clarity to come too!


    Deb Robson

    Just a note that it may be okay to have lighter content in early lessons: people are learning the platform and your world.


    JoAnn Turner

    I agree with Deb. Having Module 2 be light is fine. A lesson takes the time it takes to get those points across.

    This looks really good! Very clear, and it gives me as the student a sense of hope that I can figure this out. You’ve laid it out so I don’t feel overwhelmed at the start by what can be a fairly difficult thing for people to contemplate. I feel pumped at the thought of getting started, which is what you want. Well done!


    Darla Antoine

    VERY clear. I like it! I also agree that it’s okay if lesson 2 is light. I can always tell when I’m being fed superfluous information just for the sake of more information and more is not always better especially in this age of information overwhelm!

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