New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines BEST. NAME. EVER.

6 replies, 6 voices Last updated by  Lorraine Watson 8 years, 9 months ago
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    DavidJ Jurasek

    I’m posting here like everyone else who is so deeply inspired. To find THE. BEST. NAME. EVER. for my ecourse.

    Here goes:

    Option #1:

    “SHOULD I STAY or SHOULD I GO? (a.k.a. The LABYRINTH of LOVE): Helping good men seeking true and lasting love to either leave a relationship in the best way possible or to learn to love the one they are with in a way that blows the gates to their hearts wide open”

    Option #2:

    “The LABYRINTH of LOVE: An adventure course for men who are agonizing over whether to stay or go, showing them the path to true and lasting love”

    What do you think?

    The journey will be represented visually as a movement from a dark musty maze into the light of brilliant day. The adventure will involve a hall of mirrors and masks, a well of forgiveness, the hunt of your personal relationship demon(s) and an oracle of Greater Truth to help men discern what they need to feel within and what they need to do to leave behind painful relationship patterns and to finally unleash their wild instincts for true and lasting love.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Damn, @davidj I love where this adventure is going. Such a great idea and powerful topic.

    Man, I am having a hard time choosing which nameI like most.

    I think, if I were a man pondering this question, I would feel drawn to “Should I Stay, Should I go?” because that’s exactly what I would be asking in that situation. It would be a “Hey you get me, I am gonna come talk to you.”

    With that being said, I liked your first tagline but it was too long, so I’ll go with the second one (unless you can shorten the first).

    I’ll put a shout-out to the community this week to see if we can get more people helping you to make your choice and offer their thoughts for you.

    Great work David!


    Catherine Fox

    Hi David – just want to add this is a theme very close to my heart and I’m really pleased you are working on it!

    I really like “Should I stay or Should I go” — this cuts right to the core of the question and I for one want people to look at it that simply. There are all kinds of shadowy excuses and justifications to find ways and lifestyles to mush together and avoid the direct question of stay or go. People need help and support to just make a clear choice, and then follow through on that choice, cleanly and fully.

    I love labyrinth themes and it’s an apt metaphor. But I can’t read the second title without thinking about David Bowie and the Labyrinth film, AND/OR some sort of 80s’ soft porn/romance novel. What I don’t like about the labyrinth part is it feels overwhelming and confusing and (even if true) off putting somehow. I think you could use the symbology (especially the idea that eventually, in the centre, you face the minotaur of indecision and need to choose…or perhaps befriend the minotaur and lead him out into day?) in the course without it having to be in the title.

    Maybe you can add the word Escape in, to make it clear you will be getting OUT, not further lost in?…. going to brainstorm randomly.
    Escape the maze of indecision
    “Escape the Labyrinth of Love ” – then the rest of the tag line
    Freedom from the Labyrinth?
    Labyrinth of Love : the great escape?!
    ..hmmm…. maybe it goes in the tagline …. “Should I stay or Should I go” – for men ready to escape their Labyrinth of indecision/indecisive love and claim a full/wild/true/something relationship?

    ok this is harder than I thought..!

    And sorry just realised that maybe you don’t want more ideas just the ones you have….where did you get to with this in the end?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by  Catherine Fox.

    DavidJ Jurasek

    Thanks @catherine_wildfox and @bradleytmorris

    At this point, I am settling into:


    An adventure course for men who are agonizing over whether to stay or go, showing them the path to true and lasting love”

    Your comments were very helpful and encouraging!




    I think Break Up or Break Through is a great YES – before that I preferred Should I Stay or Should I go – Your course sounds amazing


    Sharyn Warren

    Break Up or Breakthrough: An adventure course for men who are agonizing over whether to stay or go, showing the way to true and lasting love”

    Excellent refining!


    Lorraine Watson

    A further little tweak:

    Break Up or Breakthrough: An adventure course for men agonizing over to stay or go, showing the way to true and lasting love

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