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Bradley Morris 9 years ago

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New Home › Forums › Course Ideas & Outlines › "Begin With Being" – Theme
Course Idea:
Begin With Being – a guided journey back to knowing our true selves and reigniting what Lights us up inside to live authentically and full out in everything we do
Course Theme:
I’ve been having a bit of a time trying to think of suitable them that would also feel authentic. During my morning routine I was reminded that the space I’ve always wanted to create was that of sitting around the kitchen table having deep conversations after a good meal. Then this morning I reran across an article called “7 Cultural concepts we don’t have in the us”. One from Germany was called – gemütlich described as “A soft chair in a coffee shop might be considered ‘cosy’. But sit in that chair surrounded by close friends and a hot cup of tea, while soft music plays in the background, and that sort of scene is what you’d call gemütlich.” Yes! That’s what feeling I want to create …
AND is also crossed with guided hike in familiar, but unexplored territory … similar to living in the city doing routine things until friends / relatives come for a visit and you take them to new places
AND then crossed with the mind of an early explorer, setting out to map new, uncharted territory and dis-cover what has been there all along
Course Culture:
I’ve always seemed to connect with the left-brained, sciency, techie types that have a quirky, creative humourous side (one part geek, one part sprite as one person described it.) They are open to concepts of spirituality, energy, growth, self-actualization, conscious development, etc but without the woo-woo or foo-foo. Plain and simplicity creates a comforting space and elbow room to explore.
Even though we are engaged in deep conversations on the couch or at the table, the terrain gets tough, more suited for a 4×4 than a Lincoln. Curious to learn, explore and push boundaries brings an awareness of getting vulnerable and uncomfortable will have to happen. Part of the journey. They are at a point of being tired of courses on a shelf, and are ready to really jump into the material.
The visual representations would have the feel of being professional and organized with a flavour of homeyness … as if you’re sitting around the kitchen table, wanted to illustrate something so you draw out an idea on a napkin or scrap piece of paper. (hand drawings, stick men figures, etc)
Find your uniqueness and express the $&!# out of it … I’m pretty low key with a wry / dry sense of humour that doesn’t go for the fan-fare and fluffy stuff. Creating simple and safe spaces are what I’m known for I suppose.
“are at a point of being tired of courses on a shelf”
combines with the vibe you’re creating here–I think you can blend all of the things you mention into a whole that has coherence. . . .
I love your gemütlich theme. That sounds so warm, cosy and inviting!
What you’re invisioning (writing on a napkin, skick figures, safe, etc) all sounds perfect. Because it’s YOU!
Looking really good to me.
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