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February 21, 2016 at 5:30 pm #17943
Working through the course session details has ground to a halt due to life turning on its head. Trying to stay connected with the group and not fall too far behind. Feeling scattered about my own course without a handle on how everything is supposed to pull together. Welcome to reality.
Here are some taglines I tried pulling together but they feel a bit lame.
Begin With Being – a guided journey back to knowing our true selves and living authentically and full out in everything we do
– Bring yourself to Life
– Be busier than ever being you
– Stop the do do and start living the real you
– Discover yourself right where you are
– Find your true self wherever you are
– Start being the real you and stop getting caught up in the do do
– Live authentically by being you instead of through what you doFebruary 21, 2016 at 8:58 pm #17976This is a perfect example of how accessible background info on your course would be helpful.I could go searching for it too in one of the campfires…. Just did. That helped.
Love the title: Begin With Being – a guided journey back to knowing our true selves (tagline could be that second part?)
words that popped out:
real you
authentic“Be busier than ever being you” sounds stressful to me.
Brainstorming ideas:
-navigating a full life as your true self
Learn to authentically navigate the fullness of your life……Slow down, tune in
How can you use the principles of your course to support you during this time?
I find my course is working me and I have to live the principles to gather all the threads together.All the best Lorraine!
Christy 🙂
February 22, 2016 at 10:01 pm #18200Thanks @christy.
Had not thought of the “a guided journey …” being a tagline, or a jumping off point for a tagline. Thanks for pointing that out.
“The busier than ever …” is not a good tagline for a course. It did come from part of my message that shifting from doing to being is not necessarily about slowing down or sitting still. When you’re showing up all the time as your true self, you may very well find that you’re busier than ever. It’s energizing rather than tiring. Time and energy become somewhat irrelevant. The title / tagline for my website is “Follow Your Light – Be full out yourself in everything you do”. The tweet length “elevator pitch” is “Re-igniting what Lights you up inside for a renewed sense of purpose, clarity and the courage to live Life true to your highest Self.”
Here you about how the course is working us and putting theory into boots on the ground testing.
February 23, 2016 at 1:53 pm #18261I like:
A Guided Journey of Learning to Navigate a Full Life as your True Self
Will your audience understand, resonate and say YES to the words “True Self”
Would the word “Learning to Navigate a Busy Life as your True Self” strike their pain point more.
Is your client exhausted?
Would “A Guided Journey of Overcoming Exhaustion and Aligning with a Life you Love” (or something) be more on point?
Just dropping the questions.
Great feedback Christy and wonderful work so far Lorraine.
February 23, 2016 at 5:31 pm #18276Thanks for the feedback @bradleytmorris.
My ideal peeps are disheartened, stuck and/or feeling lost (primarily) women in the 35-50 range. They’ve been happy with their life, and quite likely very successful in their careers. But now they feel they are at a transition point. What once made them happy and driven isn’t cutting it anymore. There’s something more to life. Something calling to them but don’t know what. They’ve been spinning their wheels and getting nowhere but more frustrated.
This is ultimately about living authentically … out of the closet … as your true self. Finally showing up as who you are, not who you’ve been in the past or who your friends and family believe you to be. When you’re living authentically, it doesn’t matter what you do, although you’ll have greater attraction to certain things more than others. As an example, it’s the shift from doing things to find happiness, to being happy no matter what you do. There are far more things than happy that we are always being, so the journey is about identifying those aspects of ourselves and always shining that light.
Hope that sheds a bit more info on the context.
March 2, 2016 at 4:58 pm #18862Hi Lorraine, I wanted to chime in because I know what it’s like to feel the things you describe in the first paragraph above. As we age, some things that used to light us up have lost their meaning. I.e maybe searching for that perfect partner used to be invigorating, but once we are married and settled down, that shifts a great deal. Or maybe our careers don’t hold the same excitement and passion for us they once did. I totally get all that. However, I wouldn’t immediately jump to the solution or longing as being to “find my true self” or “live authentically.” I’m not saying it isn’t exactly what I NEED. Just that the longing and pain point doesn’t quite have that name. When in that place of feeling kinda lost and lackluster about life options as I begin to settle into life, I might be seeking something more along the lines of reclaiming and revamping the passion of my youth, recapturing meaning in later life, or soul retrieval. Since lots of people teach about just being, being present, finding your true self and so on, you may want to tailor your title to your ideal client’s pain point so they can recognize themselves in it and feel drawn to it. This (your course) is the thing that’s been calling them that they didn’t quite have a name for. Or can surely lead them to it.
A poetry teacher I had once opened up my language by teaching me to “push” on words and phrases that feel lackluster or overused. I think you are getting there, but these words need a little push, a little shake to see what delightful little treats might fall out. What about a title like “Get Real: authentic living practices for the best years of your life”? That’s not quite it, but maybe it will open some thought doors for you?March 2, 2016 at 5:45 pm #18869Thanks for your insights Stephanie @sssheely. You may have struck upon something that needs to be articulated more clearly. I once described what I do as “I help disheartened career minded women reignite what Lights them up inside for a renewed sense of purpose and direction.” The use of the word “disheartened” was pretty polarizing – people either said that’s exactly how they felt, and others said it was too harsh a word. It described what they felt, but it was too negative and they didn’t want to focus on that, they didn’t want to feel it again. Lost, directionless, longing, empty, facing the unknown, what now, etc are some of the words people have used.
The people I see most connecting with would be going through a spiritual awakening and not knowing what the heck was going on. Definitely agree they would not be able to name it, and using that term would not be useful. In fact it could be downright frightening to think of themselves as “spiritual”. In that sense, my offering is not about reclaiming or adding spark to get out of settling in. (In many cases, life was pretty darn good and people think you’re crazy for even considering changing anything.) The people I see working with are on the verge of stepping into an entirely new phase of life and just don’t know what the heck it is all about. They want to feel safe stepping forward. It’s a journey about discovering yourself all over again, being able to hear (and believe) the inner calling, perhaps stepping into your vocation.
March 3, 2016 at 8:30 am #18899Ohhh, wow, @lorrainwatson. What a fascinating client market – I love it. This new understanding would have changed my comments for sure. It sounds like the people you are working with are waking up, but not sure what’s happening – or even what language to use to describe it? That makes for a tricky titling and tagging conundrum. It almost makes it hard to know what language they would resonate with on the positive end. Unless you do have an idea? You said they resonated with words like lost, longing, empty, etc… which speaks to the pain point. Any words they used to describe the possible solutions or things they sought? Do they use words like, “I want to find my true self” or “I want to live more authentically?” Or something else? I want to be more comfortable in my own skin…I want to slow down and savor…Pinpointing the thing that they most want and long for in their own words will lead to the words with the most impact…
March 3, 2016 at 11:19 am #18907Hey Stephanie,@sssheely, you captured the conundrum … what language do you have when you’re not sure what you’re going through. What they most want is to either a) stop feeling this way and have a sense of what to do or b) they have an inkling of what they want to do, but not the courage or clarity. Either way it’s a huge risk not knowing if everything will work out, knowing relationships with family and friends have to change (or end), feeling alone and different than everyone and everything they knew, will they be able to support themselves. The tug between the old familiar and the unknown, but calling new is a tough one.
Words they might use … “be myself (whoever that is)”, “do something meaningful (whatever that is)”, “have the courage to pursue what’s been nagging at me”
I’ve been monitoring what what other people share on FB as a way to find language people might identify with. While people may not be able to articulate what they want, I do think they find there way through a sense of what the resonate with or not. In that way they build a new language around for what they want. This Brene Brown quote was one I recorded from someone else sharing –
“People may call what happens at midlife a crisis. But it’s not. It’s an unraveling. A time when you feel a desparate pull to live the live you want to live. The unraveling is a time when you are challenged by the universe to let go of who you think you are supposed to be and to embrace who you are.”
BTW – super appreciate this conversation and your questions in the way it is helping to better articulate what I’m trying to say.
March 4, 2016 at 4:04 pm #19009This statement says a lot for me:
it’s the shift from doing things to find happiness, to being happy no matter what you do.
This also feels really clear to me:
“I help disheartened career minded women reignite what Lights them up inside for a renewed sense of purpose and direction.”
This is spot on:
The people I see working with are on the verge of stepping into an entirely new phase of life and just don’t know what the heck it is all about. They want to feel safe stepping forward. It’s a journey about discovering yourself all over again, being able to hear (and believe) the inner calling, perhaps stepping into your vocation.
Does your “WHO” resonate with “Being able to hear the inner calling?” Is that the language they’d use?
In my opinion, “Begin with Being” can still really work for the title. It feels open, spacious and inviting. I think it’s the tagline that really needs to land home with what this is all about.
As a challenge @lorrainewatson, would you be willing to share 10 tag lines (each completely different)?
Awesome support @sssheely, thanks for showing up!
March 4, 2016 at 5:56 pm #19014@bradleytmorris – I think “hear the inner calling” would be part of their language, and/or similar words they would use could be
– wanting something more out of life, there’s got to be more to life
– inner nagging
– they have a greater purpose
– what now
– there’s something more for meTaglines are still brewing, nothing complete / coherent quite yet
March 5, 2016 at 10:07 pm #19098background: summary to date
@bradleytmorrois – okie dokie … here’s a go at 10 taglines
Begin With Being:
Finding your way to clarity starting with you
Finding your way forward by knowing yourself
Taking the leap into what’s next by bringing yourself to Life
Turning the unknown ahead into a journey of discovering yourself
Shifting from doing anything to find something into being your own compass
Knowing yourself means you can make sense of the unknown
The something more that’s been calling all begins with you
Practical tools to being yourself and turning the unknown into beyond imagination
Discovering the answers you’ve longed for have always been within
Embark on the journey of discovering you are the something more you’ve been looking forMarch 6, 2016 at 6:32 pm #19145Oh @lorrainewatson, you are so close I bet you can taste it! We share similar peeps, so I think I can feel what you are getting at. I really like what you are getting at with “The something more that’s been calling all begins with you.”
“Something “more” is calling you by name.”
That something “more” that you are seeking is none other than your self”
Discovering that “more” that you have been searching for begins with Being. Being You.This is the hardest damn thing, isn’t it?
“I help disheartened career minded women reignite what Lights them up inside for a renewed sense of purpose and direction.”
I actually think this is very powerful, but get that “disheartened” may attract women in pain rather than women feeling pulled toward a greater vision of themselves–their capabilities and possibilities–that they haven’t quite been able to express or live into. Two different target audiences.
As I am writing this, I wonder how many of your women are introverts. If the problem of being themselves is rooted in a fear of standing out. So that “Practical tools for being yourself” also sounds very appealing. “Begin With Being: Practical Tools for Being Yourself.”
Guess what you settle on will come down to the “who” that you are speaking to, as much as the “what” of their desiring. Keep going. This is going to be good once you land on it.
March 6, 2016 at 7:12 pm #19150Thanks @sharynwa – I definitely want to target women who are feeling pulled toward a greater vision and possibility, they just can’t quite find a way to grab hold of it.
I don’t believe introversion is a key characteristic of my audience. They may or may not be. What you have keyed me into though is being careful about focusing in on “being yourself”. The tools are geared towards navigating stepping into your spiritual side, how to listen to your intuition, recognizing your own patterns and signals as messages, etc.
Edit: What you did hit upon was wondering “If the problem of being themselves is rooted in a fear of standing out”. That is a part of the problem – they are afraid of stepping out of the spirituality closet. Not only is spirituality, being nudged and called, etc is a new part of their identity, they are very much afraid of how their friends, family and colleagues will perceive them. Fear of being ridiculed and embarrassed feels very real. Vulnerability is high. They feel like they’re the only one who thinks the way they do, is questioning the world they way they are, etc. Yet they have to keep pursuing this inner nudge something much greater is possible.
March 7, 2016 at 5:55 pm #19261More taglines. Not sure I’m anywhere close to happy with any of these, but they are an attempt to get juices flowing around being less nebulous.
– Step into what’s next for you with the clarity of self and renewed passion
– Practical tools for finding passion in being yourself and stepping fully into what’s next for you
– Making sense of the inner nudging you’re here for something more
– Bring the next new you to Life and discover the something more that’s been calling you
– What’s next starts with bringing the real you to Life
– Listening to the messages you’ve sent yourself to find the clarity of what’s next
– Following the hidden breadcrumbs of your life to discover what lays ahead -
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