New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Begin With Being – First Draft

10 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 5 months ago
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    Lorraine Watson


    Begin With Being is a course of self-discovery for those who are looking for that “something more” in life. The focus shifts away from traditional “find your purpose” and “what should I be doing” themes to delve into discovering who you really are. By looking at the your day-to-day life more closely from multiple facets, you begin to see the patterns, signals and messages that are all around. By knowing who you are, you can bring yourself into everything you do instead of always doing something to figure out who you are.




    The space I want to create is gemütlich – sitting around the safe space of a kitchen table having deep conversations good food and great friends. The atmosphere is simple informality. No worries about choosing the right spoon or elbows on the table. Diagrams are sketched on the nearest napkin. The framework or context brings in the idea of exploring new frontiers, mapping out what was previously uncharted territory for yourself to navigate more easily in the future.




    1)     Busy Being You

    Establish a starting point for the journey ahead and building group cohesiveness, looking at our thoughts around being and doing

    2)      Growth Spurts

    Exploring growth and change once we’ve become adults

    3)     Learning To Listen

    Bring awareness to observing and Listening to the signals and messages in our inner and outer worlds

    4)     Cutting Through The Do-Do

    Exploring our passions and patterns for more clues of clarity

    5)     The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

    Looking at what we wish for to learn more about ourselves

    6)     Inner Whispers

    Turning the spotlight onto the whispers and inner prods we can’t quite hear or grab hold of

    7)     Weaving The Tapestry

    Stitching the pieces together to see what larger patterns were always there, and make note of the gaps for further exploration

    8)     Traversing The Unknown

    Facing fears and foibles head on to lessen their power and skill building for dealing with not knowing

    9)     The Melding Pot

    The follow up session, bookending the process after time has passed (2 weeks?) to discuss new insights, questions, etc


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Lorraine, I love the image of actually having a live course like this around a large table full of food! I can see past participants coming back to join the conversation in between refreshing platters and glasses.

    Looking forward to learning more as your ecourse comes together.


    Jutta Dobler

    Hi Lorraine, I love this! What comes up for me from reading this is that we have the answers already, it is just a matter of looking at what IS. Feels very relaxing! Also like your theme, fits perfectly with the course topic. Looking forward to seeing more of your course.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I love this Lorraine. The sitting around a table having deep conversations is an awesome theme.
    The ‘writing notes on a napkin’ idea is brilliant.

    I’m wondering how else you can bring the dinner table theme into play with how your course and exercises are delivered?

    Also wondering how you envision this being shot. What is the angle, what is the set, etc…?


    Penny Claringbull

    Hi Lorraine!

    I also love the idea of gathering around a table – you have clearly hit the sweet spot with that mood/theme. I agree with Bradley when he asks how that could be developed – images, stories, metaphors? It will be lovely for your participants; a safe, friendly, gathering place.

    And I particularly like this: By knowing who you are, you can bring yourself into everything you do instead of always doing something to figure out who you are.

    It’s so true.

    And Cutting through the Do-Do – great title!



    Lorraine Watson

    Thanks for the feedback @waynebuckhan, @jutta, @bradleytmorris, and @pennyclaringbull.


    To be honest, at this point I don’t have a lot of thoughts around bringing the kitchen table theme fully into play. As a no-frills kind of person, I really hesitate at incorporating things like “on today’s menu” instead of agenda. I think by using some phrasing like “grab your cup of tea”, “let’s do a pot luck of questions” or other words to invoke the sense of being around the kitchen table, people will tap into their own experiences. Not sure how I’ll technically do it, but I would like to include the “drawing on the napkin” into the material. A couple of people who sit around the table with me often say “wait, I need something to write this down with”. So maybe there’s a way to include summary points on a graphic that looks handwritten on a scrap piece of paper.

    Two other things I can do are ask some friends who are in this niche for their thoughts and run the beta as I would ask for feedback along the way.

    And of course, if y’all here have thoughts on what would invoke a sense of the informal kitchen table comfortableness for you, I’m open to suggestions. The setting isn’t necessarily dinner, it could be brunch, an evening get together, afternoon tea, catching up when staying at a friends place for a visit. All the times you sit around the kitchen table and get into deeper conversations.


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Lorraine, I wonder how you can involve the metaphor even in your planning. For example, to facilitate those conversations around the table, often you plan the meal and let the conversations develop. I wonder how much of the languaging and expression will show up on their own once you put together the backdrop that suggests it. That’s where graphics and the warm, welcoming environment will facilitate without necessarily bring the focus.

    Of course, we don’t always plan everything out for tea, so there is also many chances to go the informal route and let things arise from what — and who — is on hand.

    I’m excited about your metaphor, no matter how much you lean into it or not.



    Lorraine Watson

    @waynebuckhan – I suspect you’re right about something evolving as the details unfold.

    Perhaps part of the issue I’m having is I dislike the cooking part and generally just show up at the table to talk. Conversations are my forte far more than the food. 🙂


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Lorraine! It’s been too long since we’ve gotten a smoke signal from you. We hope a bear or cougar didn’t lure you into their lair to have you for a Fall feast! If that’s what happened, we’ll send Sherpa Steve with a sacrificial goat in exchange for your place. Just send us a note (via pigeon) letting us know your location and how things are coming along with your course. If there’s anything else we can do, let us know   🙂


    Lorraine Watson

    @bradleytmorris – no sacrificial goats required. Need them to keep the grass cut and source feta cheese. I’ve been watching the mountain via binoculars and telescope to keep tabs on how everyone is doing.  (That sounds a tad stalkerish … ewwww).  Digging myself out from under a bit of a renovation & moving mudslide. Getting my feet back under me after a rest. Looking forward to moving onwards again.

    Appreciate checking up on me.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Thanks for the wonderful, truth-filled feedback in the survey Lorraine. Definitely took to heart. Sorting out how to light the fire ablaze amongst the adventurers. If you have more suggestions, we are open.

    I messaged Andy on being more vocal on the community side of the community, rather htan just the back end stuff.

    Your honesty rocks!

    So enough about us, how bout you?
    Done with the mudslide? All settled in?

    What’s next and how may I/we be of service to help you get’er done and get your course out into your community before the year is expired?

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