New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Challenge: Be Who You’re Not

100 replies, 24 voices Last updated by  Mars 6 years, 7 months ago
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    Laura Koller

    OMG @stavido – HILARIOUS!!!

    Thanks for the humor.



    I dreamt that I had done this. lol. I wish I could remember what the lesson was because it was bloody good!

    I have a few days. I will think on it tomorrow.


    Jutta Dobler

    Wonderful :))) @stavido



    Okay, here’s mine.  It’s taking forever to load to YouTube, so here’s a link and I’ll come back and edit so that it’s embedded (but as it’s close to the deadline, I didn’t want to delay) I have completely forgotten how to embed a YouTube video. Sigh…

    </iframe>” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>http://<iframe allowfullscreen width=’852′ height=’479′ scrolling=’no’ frameborder=’0′ style=’border: none;’ src=’′ allowfullscreen></iframe>




    @mars You are fantastic as the professor what an actor you are I love you professor 🙂



    Thank  you @xbobby You’ve made me blush.


    DavidJ Jurasek

    I love the errudite-ness and zeal…

    Love how you dived in completely.

    I admire your passion and commitment. Wish I joined you guys this month! (makes me wanna make something today and throw it in!)

    Here are suggestions you may consider for developing the role…

    • I would play with being closer to the camera and turning towards us more — like we are over your shoulder or at your side (in your confidence – under your wing).
    • You could also explore a broader range of whispering secrets (scientific ones) and getting all intense and emotional if it feels right at moments.
    • I find the “uh, uh,” anxiousness distracted kinda charming but wonder about the feeling you want to fill the viewer with. Right now, I get the authoritativeness de-emphasized by the scatteredness.  I would play around some more with the prof’s energy. What if they were still likely to wander in sollilogouy but more confident and certain. Just something to try out and see.


    @mars, delightful. The goal of the challenge is “be who you’re not” as a character, and think you did that. You put a smile on my face and prompted a few belly laughs. The wine bottle at the end was hilarious. Why to get it done and put it out there, it takes some courage.



    You’re all so good for a woman’s ego.

    @davidj – I think you absolutely SHOULD throw something into the ring. And if I develop Professor Elizabeth Lucretia Farquhar, I’ll certainly put your suggestions into place and see where it takes me (and her).

    @stavido glad it made you laugh.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Sooooooo awesome @Mars. If this birthing new babies into the world thing ever gets boring, I could see an acting career working out for you. I have no doubt you’re going to have so much fun building your themeified world. You are too funny. Looking forward to getting to have a glass of vino with you someday one day in person! Thanks for doing the challenge this month. You and @stavido nailed it. 



    I have set my intention to come to your retreat/workshop/whatsimmy in 2019 @bradleytmorris We’ll share some red then!

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