New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Challenge: Be Who You’re Not

100 replies, 24 voices Last updated by  Mars 6 years, 8 months ago
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  • #24148

    Rodolfo Menjivar

    Thanks @lisa.russell “Legends” Quite possibly the coolest thing I have ever been called!!


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    I’m certainly a legend in my own mind!


    Looking forward to your contribution, @lisa.russell!
    (And I’m using lots of exclamation marks tonight! I’d better go to bed before I get so excited I can’t sleep!)


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    @rodolfomenjivar this was epic man! Or should I say, Suha. Way to get into character, show off your green screen skills and create this. It was great. I’d love to see you playing with more characters, more scenarios and more backgrounds. Perhaps even try playing with some nature or musical for sound effects. It takes the world-creation’ing to a whole other believable level.

    Great job man. You earned that 1000 Bajillion!



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    @lisa.russell YOU ARE NEXT!!!!

    Go to the “Be Who You’re Not” challenge….



    Rodolfo Menjivar

    Thanks @bradleytmorris this was definitely stepping out of my comfort zone and has helped stretch my personal character as it was pretty damn easy to pull off looking back. Will definitely try it out with backround music and other effects next time. I feel like some birds chirping would have been the icing on the cake for this video!!


    Jessica Antonelli

    Russian dog groomer Sonya Russnakovnikov leads you through this simple dog grooming demonstration with bonus health tips


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by  Jessica Antonelli. Reason: embedding video
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by  Jessica Antonelli. Reason: take 2 video
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by  Jessica Antonelli. Reason: 3rd try a charm?
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by  Bradley Morris.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by  Jessica Antonelli. Reason: Can't get video to show in the post, it appears in the preview but not when I post :(

    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Ummm, excuse me Russian Dog Groomer @jescantonelli, but how much vodka is too much vodka for my dog? I gave him three shots because he generally likes to party… and now he’s asking for more!


    Rodolfo Menjivar

    @jescantonelli Great video!! Made me laugh!! My dog also loves to party hahaha


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Bwahaha! Good job @jescantonelli, er, I mean Mz. Russnakovnikov.

    I love the barely/nearly contained laughter from your camera person. That made it so much funnier! And great job keeping your own composure. Looking forward to many more Tex-Mex-Rusk videos in the future. 😉


    Lisa R

    HAHAHA! @jescantonelli! This is so much fun!

    DOG. Dog. Seeet! Vodka?

    So many LOLs.

    Oh crap. Now I really am next…



    DavidJ Jurasek

    OMG! This thread is a riot.

    Didn’t think I would play any different roles as I want to be hold a kind of raw and authentic energy and play if anything the storyteller and guide leading them through a Labyrinth.

    But, then again, I am imagining the different roles men play in relationships (Critic, Fixer, Mr. Nice Guy, Lone Wolf, etc) that get them in trouble. Would be fun to play some of those back! Hmmm.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    @davidj, let’s see you try out one of those characters here (as fun practice.) Go to the Challenges page in the sidebar and see the Be Who You’re Not challenge.

    Characters could be a powerful way to demonstrate the archetypes you’re working with.


    DavidJ Jurasek

    Here is my playing 5 different roles that men play which sabotage their relationships:


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    BRILLIANT @DavidJ. I am so happy to finally get to see you on video. I feel like I have your vibe so much more, even though you were acting most of the time. You’re great on camera man. I can’t wait to see your course when it’s ready up at Launch Summit. Big love brother and thanks for the laugh and smile!


    Deanna Gibbons

    Great, great video @davidj! Like @bradleytmorris said it’s nice to get a feel for your personality by watching you on video! You are a natural actor.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 101 total)

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