New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Challenge: Be Who You’re Not

100 replies, 24 voices Last updated by  Mars 6 years, 6 months ago
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    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    This is the conversation thread for No Phony Bologna Tony’s Bajillion Challenge.

    Post your video of you teaching a lesson as a fictitious character down below.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Here’s my Extreme Enlightenment commercial.


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Leroy has a message for you:


    Skeeter Medias

    Geeze Leroy, is you my cuzzins, unkles, brothers, cuzzins, nephyous, fathers, cuzzins, grand daddys friends cuzzin? Cuz you sure look like’um!


    Jutta Dobler

    Here is the Guardian of the Trail. And wolfie (sorry, he tells me he’s not ‘wolfie’, but the Big Bad Wolf!)


    Catherine Fox

    eeeee this is so much fun I want to make some videos this week.  I loved watching Wayne’s intro video, then seeing this one. And I love the wolf!!! It’s inspiring seeing other people’s creativity fun


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Damn @jutta, I feel like we should be paying you a 1000 Bajillion commission on every person you refer to get their Trail Pass! Great job with the green screen editing and your wolfy friend. Or was that a real wolf? 😉

    Just a small piece of technical feedback with regards to the sound. I’m not sure what you’re using for a mic, but before you start recording your official videos, you will want to find a better microphone than the one you’re using. It was pretty echo’y. Feel free to bring that conversation over to the “Resource Sharing” campfire if you wanna discuss. Great job with this. So happy to see you having fun stepping in front of the camera!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    You’re next @catherine_wildfox!!


    Jutta Dobler

    Thank you @catherine_wildfox :-). So looking forward to seeing what you will do!


    Jutta Dobler

    Hi @bradleytmorris, thank you :-). Of course it was a real wolf!
    The echo-y voice is on purpose (done in the after effects in screen flow). Might not be such a good idea so if it just comes across as a bad mic…
    I am using a lapel mic which works pretty well, at least if i get my hair out of the way.
    Used the echo voice on the Wild Witch of the West (another fictitious character) and liked it, so i thought i give the Guardian one too. But will re-think that one 🙂



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Ya, I see your other video had a much clearer sound quality.
    I just found in this particular one that it was difficult to hear what you were saying.
    Those FX can sometimes be a little off.
    Love that you’re having so much fun with your course!


    Rodolfo Menjivar

    This is Suha – The Forgotten One and he has a message for all of humanity in 2016


    Rodolfo Menjivar

    @jutta those were some pretty cool effects you have there. I also loved the wolf!!! What program are you using for your effects?


    Rodolfo Menjivar

    @waynebuckhanan That was hilarious. Made me laugh for sure!!!


    Lisa R

    How have I only just found this thread?!

    This thread has made my day. @waynebuckhanan @jutta @rodolfomenjivar – you’re all legends.


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