New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Back on track: name and theme

9 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Anneke Dekkers 8 years, 7 months ago
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    Anneke Dekkers

    Got a littl bit stuck on themes, vibes, names.
    One of the reasons is that the structuring in milestones was hard work and pretty rational for me. So creativity disappeared. (:

    I picked it up again.
    My course is about easy and fun marketing for solo entrepeneurs.
    The theme is: water

    I like the idea of water. Since there are all kinds of manifestation. And I can use the analogy that water is always searching for the easiest way.

    I already tried to apply it on the milestones. Needs some more thought.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Love the easy and fun marketing tools idea Anneke. This is gonna be great. So many people get caught up in fear mode when it comes to their marketing — easy and fun is the best way ever!

    Your analogy about water really resonates with me as well.

    Way to get on track and get’er done. See you in the next lesson!


    Chris Gilmour

    Hey @adekkers,

    Have you settled on a name and theme yet? I wonder if it could be as simple as “eay and fun marketing for entrepreneurs”?

    I love the water theme and am looking forward to seeing how you integrate the two. If you want to bounce any names or ideas off someone I’d be happy to help.

    Chris Gilmour


    Anneke Dekkers

    Thanks @chrisg for stopping by! I did not name the course yet. But I did went further with the water theme. It seems to early to do the renaming of the ‘chapters’. I tried, but it felt like time was not ready. So I continued to the next checkpoint. Now doing the outlines and the storyboard.
    As far as the name concerns: i like your suggestion. And i have two considerations:
    1) my language is dutch, so the ‘easy and fun marketing’ will not sound that great in dutch. I will search for nice sounding dutch name
    2) How about just one unique quality of my e-course? Maybe it is better to pick one. Like fun OR easy.
    3) Will it be a good idea to relate it to my theme? To put some water word in my name? (i.e. The well of loneliness/ clients:),

    I will be very happy to get your support on the namegame.
    Thanks for offering.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hi @adekkers, it would be great to see 5-10 names and tagline examples when you have them, so we’ve got something to start with.

    It’s not necessary for your theme to be in the title, but if it works, then go for it! ๐Ÿ™‚


    Anneke Dekkers

    Hi @bradleytmorris, thanks for the support. as a matter of fact I did the exercise of names and taglines. In Dutch.

    1) Make a list of your top 5-10 Names.
    Met zelfvertrouwen en plezier aan je marketing werken (work on your marketing with confidence and fun)
    Op koers met je marketing (On track with your marketing)
    De grote oversteek (The great crossing)
    Zonder moeite marketing (no worry marketing)
    Vloeiende marketing (fluent marketing)
    spetterende marketing (sparkling marketing)
    de makkelijkste weg naar je klant (the easyist way to your client)

    My idea now is – based on the watertheme-: your own stream of clients
    take inspired actions to attract your clients.

    2) Make a list of your top 5-10 Taglines.

    marketing voor zelfstandig professionals die geen ster zijn in marketing
    marketing met plezier en zelfvertrouwen



    I am also planning to have my business be started by November, and thinking that if anyone had try here the branding firm to name business. I have gone to various research and I found this, they seems to be reliable and in fact I have been directly contacted by their branding expert Alexandra Watkins. Just thought someone had tried the same service while getting some themes to other source.


    Anneke Dekkers

    Hi, thanks for the tip! Nice website. Not very Dutch though ๐Ÿ™‚

    But inspiring, that’s always a good thing.


    Jackie Burgoa

    @adekkers how about “Marketing Flow” or “Customer Stream“….so I thought this image was very telling


    Anneke Dekkers



    Nice picture!

    All about water too ๐Ÿ™‚

    After these month’s of consideration and talking to people I found out I can not promise them a flow of clients. It will be an e-course about there own style and about taking action. Taking action is crucial. Yet people hesitate and don’t know where to start, or quit to early. In that I can really help.

    Maybe it will be blended because people want to be coached. Which is a good thing.

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