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March 5, 2016 at 8:29 am #19029
Ha I thought I’ve been sharing here before… but I guess I didn’t…
March 5, 2016
Well it’s March already so 2 month into this adventure. I haven’t been much active the last 3 weeks… other priorities, also some fog spells and whatnot… but most importantly I let myself off the hook in trying to follow this eCourse in a linear way when my creative spirit is just not functioning linear. So that’s fine. In my many years of creating things as a designer, as an artist as a life adventurer… things always come together when the time was right… it just looked bit messy and made not so much sense to people looking into the studio during my creative process… but my vision and intention has always pulled me through. And this is what I am actually standing for (my guideline, my message if you will): to follow one’s own inspiration, to follow one’s you-nique soul guidance, letting go of concepts and comparison how others do stuff, live their lives and to built that resilience to walk one’s own path, learning how to individually receive clear guidance and follow through with courageous action… So that said… I am still not clear on the structure of my eCourse… but I see it clearly, I feel it clearly, I know it’s going to be awesome and I need to give it the time and trust to come together in the most divinely perfection that I cannot control and that is not coming from “thinking about it or answering questions. (tho they are helpful inspirations.)
Right now I am just taking notes in my Evernote Journal whenever inspiration hits me… I collect it, feel more into what this eCourse wants to be… and I tend to it when it needs attention. I am letting go of the linear structure to find one that comes from within…
I love watching the videos of each lessons… I keep being inspired and that is what I signed up for. Inspiration and sharing with fellow creators. I am not here for doing things right or on time or achieve something or even climb a mountain. I am here to remind myself that I want to create another wonderful E-dventure. But the creative process calls me to embody what I stand for to let go of the concepts, to trust, to commit to the vision, to take the steps when my soul calls for it in divine time. Yes, I am also learning the benefits of setting timeframes and making commitment. But it’s a commitment to myself and following my soul deeper and deeper.March 5, 2016 at 9:48 am #19039What’s happening now is actually while watching the videos in creatora heights and journaling abit to exploring and get inspirations for a theme … I get me more ideas of the in depth topics and structure for individual journeys within my Creative Intuitive E-dventure that is aimed to inspire people how to reignite and keep the creative fire burning. I feel like it could be a journey to explore different fuels or (energy) sources to ignite the inner fires… to learn how to take care and get intimate with our fire or muse or inspiration, commune with our soul… with the “source”. …. mmm I am feeling something is stirring…
March 5, 2016 at 10:55 am #19050We all crave clarity… my experience… it is a flux (oops I dunno where this word came from… gotta look it up) I meant it is coming and going… at least it is my experience in this course and in life… some things seem clear until they are not… and how do I get back? And how can I relax when I am not clear… TRUST the divine unfolding!
March 5, 2016 at 9:03 pm #19095Thanks so much for sharing @awi. Been curious how progress has been.
This is exactly why I call this whole journey of creating eCourses a creative vision quest. It is a journey of deep listening, trusting, being patient and allowing for hte vision to crystallize into tangible action steps. I honour you for giving your course the space it needs to fully come toghether in your mind, heart and details. If there is “How’s” you need help with, just ring @andyfreist and I and we’re happy to help.
March 8, 2016 at 6:43 am #19274ahh thanks Bradley @bradleytmorris – very kind of you to thinking of me.
What’s happening is that I am at same time in an 6 month business coaching program – being with all the personal process involved, being held accountable and crystalizing the big picture with concrete action stuff – so that is also why I was less active here and creating this ecourse has been set bit on the back burner. priorities and stuff.But it’s really good to give it that space to breathe and talk to me and let people reflect to me what they love to learn from me and how.
For me it’s less about getting coached on stuff as I had alot of that, it’s more about being part of this “gang” to keep me inspired and ya’ll doing a great job. Thank you!!!
I’m sure I’ll have more questions when it come to the technosis stuff.
March 8, 2016 at 2:11 pm #19336Awesome @awi, thanks so much for the update. Sounds like you’ve got plenty of support coming in from all angles. I’m sure it’s lining up beautifully for you!
March 21, 2016 at 5:41 am #20010March 22
Apparently it is spring… brrr not so much here. Even after St.Patrik’s day (which we actually don’t celebrate in Germany) no “green light” to move forward on this mountain trail. No buds visibly popped out of the earth that could be filmed … however it’s brewing and growing down there in the fertile earth.
I am still distilling the direction of my “FULLY SEEN” eCourse which I will be more of a “online program”. My other coaching course has helped me to feel clarity on what it is that my “clients” (incl. myself) are truly craving which is to feel connected, being able to freely express themselves and engage without having to compromise themselves.
So here is what I do in summary:
I take more introverted and highly gifted people on a transformation journey from hiding themselves (and their gifts) from the world for a number of reasons (esp. experience of abuse, rejection, abandonment) to rebuild their trust, courage, confidence and resilience muscles that it takes to– stay vulnerable to heart-connect with another yet know how to set boundaries
– reveal their deep rich inner worlds – without holding back what may challenge people’s common beliefs
– master their inner demons so they can show up (again) in their full authentic expression
– to be capable (have the perseverance) to create what they feel inspired to and passionate about
– most of all be able to engage and feel connected with people (clients) without having to compromise themselves.
– be “bold” enough to “follow” their inner calling (instaed of following other’s concepts)
– to be empowered to know and take their place and make a difference in the world (in themselves and people’s lives)
– to magnetize and empower like-minded/people with their unapologetic presence so they can thrive.The way how I will facilitate this transformation is through intuitive creative adventures/challenges using Channeled Drawing, Remix Art, Self-Portraiture, Vision Quests etc. to fine-tune awareness of soul guidance and bring up more personal process (around beeing seen, self-judement, trust, shame, fear of rejection and failure etc.) which I will be tending to either through online group sessions (#hotseat process/intuitive guidance/helaing work) or in private sessions (as an add on option). We will use the art as visual story telling resulting in a creative piece at the end of the course that they will present in one form or another to the public.
So that is the clarity that is arising right now, as my personal process being with my own challenges to connect with people come out more. I understand the needs of people like me who have incredible talent but are challenged to connect with people after traumatic experiences.
This course will help them to show up more and how to be visible online for their business (websites etc.) in their younique way. It will help them to build a visual brand but that may then be a part 2 the course. I don’t want to start with that but to lead up to it. I don’t really wanted to make this the focus of this ecourse but still mention it. It is more about the transformation that leads up to feel more confident and unapologetic to be able to make it to thriving in business (or life). I think it’s more necessary to help people built the resilliance to get back up again after rejection and set-backs… cuz this is what will happen and it’s less about promising all connection problems will be solved with a great brand or website.
I feel good about this now and can start building a program structure. I think it might also be more of a 3 month program or longer. So that actually feels good – resilliance muscle training takes some times and a course should give that time… so that if people feel they wanna give up… it’s a perfesct moment to apply what this course is about… how to get back up when it’s gloomy.
So that’s where I am at.
March 21, 2016 at 7:26 am #20026Sounds brilliant Awi well done for cooking up the clarity. Love it xxx
March 21, 2016 at 10:25 am #20053aww thanks budd! @calliope6. sending much love your way.
March 22, 2016 at 5:27 pm #20133Loving the powerful clarity you’ve got here @awi. This is the best I’ve ever heard/read you describe what you do, who you do it for and how you do it. Clearly the winter hibernation is helping you find the core of you and this! So stoked for this clear direction.
April 5, 2016 at 1:45 am #20814April 5
A couple month ago my soul signed me up to attend a peace camp in Israel in about 3 weeks and life is preparing me for the intentsity of this adventure and pushing my edge so I would open up more to feeling those intense and uncomfortable feelings of pain, loss, grief, anger to access more love, peace and life force in myself which is also the theme of this meeting. So what’s happening in the last weeks … I felt a trememndous isolation, my grandmother is hospitalized and in transition, my friends had been a-wall for a while and I did not make any money. So I felt pretty heavy, depressed… to be honest. But I made a choice to stop my judgement especially about the money part and being broke and finally dared to raise up and ask for support in offering a sale for my services. I stripped down honestly and vulnerably admitted I that I am broke and I need to raise money to make this trip. On sunday I wrote a newletter and shared with my list. I felt super embarrased, but my soul was soaring… for standing up for myself and follow my calling… and less care if I will upset people, be judged or whatever… and do it anyways… asking for support.
So I am super happy I made this bold move. Yes people judged but more importantly I got far more emails of support and raised some of the money already. I got a chance to share what I am up to, what I offer (right now) and also realized how I can offer my intuitive art at the peace camp as well to deal with intense emotions and access guidance. Love that!
So what does it have to do with the ecourse?
Well it is a confirmation as I had to go back down the mountain to revise ideas and concepts and came out with more precise clarity on how I can create a transformational journey for my peeps that is offering valuable results but is also about the journey itself.
Because I was challenged to show myself “naked” and bold I expereinced once again how it makes a difference in getting connected more with people (which I have talked about but needed to embody even more)… so my course got a deeper embodied energetic fundament which I can build on.
My course now is shaping as a into a very intimate “Visual Storytelling” course (working title: “FULLY SEEN: The Art of Self-Revealing and creating compassionate and authentic connections”) It’s a 90day course using intuitive art tools to connect and reveal, including 1:1 sessions, group transformation sessions though zoom and is resulting in a public presentation of the “visual stories” of people revealing an vulnerable aspect that they’ve been ashamed of or that was hidden and so blocked their growth and connections in life and/or business relationships. People choose their own medium of presentation (book, slideshow, video, music, online gallery, blog etc.). For people with their own heart business it can be further used for their websites or “about me” presentations. (I might add a follow up course for that specific crowd and intention).
I am currently working out the course plan in details. I am excited. My trip to Israel in 3 weeks will give me more feedback and inspiration how to shape the course so it serves peoples longings, needs and addressed shadow aspects in a way that is perhaps even playful and more encouraging.
So that’s where I am at. @bradleytmorris @andyfreist @calliope6
April 5, 2016 at 1:57 am #20816oh and @bradleytmorris thank you for the cheers!
April 5, 2016 at 11:35 am #20839Wow @awi, who would’ve saw this incredible transformational journey unfolding when you began the GEA! I commend you for your courage to go in and do the deep work, as well as for your adventurous spirit to take the journey you are embarking upon. No doubt, experiences like this will change your perspective completely and offer such incredible gifts to the course you’re building! I love the Visual Storytelling idea that you’ve shared above. It feels like a really unique approach. I’m excited to hear more details on how you’ll piece the experience together for people.
How long do you go away for?
Thanks for the big update @awi!
April 5, 2016 at 12:56 pm #20851Awesome update, thanks for the share!
April 5, 2016 at 2:02 pm #20853@bradleytmorris – Yes…I’m happy about this emergence … some things need more personal process that feels yucki but in the end make everything fall into place. I will be gone about 20 days. The camp is for a week but I have a deep connection with the energy in israel and so I gave myself some more time to arrive and integrate after, follow the flow of the adventure. I’ll return may 10. I would like to share and document my journey via Social Media and through my channeled drawing that I do everyday. So in a way it is already as little preview of what a 15min drawing alone can reveal, people can follow my process if interested and then offering and enrolling people into a transformational “visual story telling” ecourse will even more easier. (I just realized that – ha i love intuitive flow over strategy – so much more organic)
Anyhow I keep you in the loop with the rolling out of structure and content. Thanks for the words of support @andyfreist and @bradleytmorris.
What an adventure!!!
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