New Home Forums Media & Technology Awesome Video Editing Software – 5 licenses for $50, group buy!

25 replies, 9 voices Last updated by  Dr.Wayne Buckhanan 7 years, 4 months ago
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    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Just got an email from Appsumo.

    They are doing a promotion for a video editing program called Filmora.

    It looks great and appears to be quite ideal for anyone that’s not ready for something more in-depth such as Adobe Premier Pro/etc.

    There are a bunch of built in effects, and also they have an effects shop where you can buy add-on effect packs.

    They also recentlty teamed up with a stock audio company so you can access and use a selection of music in your videos.

    Seems like a wonderful app to learn with.

    A lifetime license normally costs $60.

    This Appsumo deal is 5 licenses for $50, plus one bonus effects set (normally $30). The licenses work for both the Mac and PC versions.

    If 5 people go in on the deal, thats only $10, and you each get your own license 😉

    Here’ the deal info:

    Here’s a great video showing what you can do with it. It looks super easy to use, and is green-screen compatible. He shows some greenscreen stuff at about 18:05…

    And here’s the Fimora effect store.. lots of really cool stuff for course creators:

    Lastly, you can download a free trial version on their website here and take it for a spon:



    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    I just installed the demo and I’m quite impressed. They’ve made it VERY easy to create quality videos and is far more intuitive than using Screenflow/Camtasia (which is what we currently recommend for beginners). It’s also a lot cheaper.

    They’ve put the focus more on being able to do creative stuff quickly and easily.

    I think we’ve found a winner.


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    I was just coming over here to post about this. 🙂

    I got my set and will have at least one “spare” license to sell if anyone is interested. I already offered one of the other 4 to Lisa R (since I recalled her using it for her intro video ages ago) and I’ll need at least 2-3 for my multiple computers, but I may have more available if people are interested.

    The license needs to be redeemed by June 29, 2017, so we can’t horde them for later. Let me know who wants in!


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Would you recommend this over iMovie (that’s what I’m currently using)?


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    The entirely too practical answer is: if iMovie is working for you, stick with it.

    I looked at Filmora’s features and between the chromakey (green screen), picture-in-picture, and ability to do screen recording, I figured it was worth the investment.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    This looks super cool. I’ll buy one of those licenses @waynebuckhanan if they’re not all spoken for!


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    I’ve got you down for one, @bradleytmorris.

    Heck, if enough people want in, I’m willing to manage the transactions, buy another bundle, and keep the included effects package as my “commission”. 😉


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Oh, and let me know if you want a Mac key or a PC key. There are some hoops to jump through to get the license key and they are different hoops for each platform.


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    @bobbiejo – iMovie is great, but i think the appeal with Filmora is that they have made it extremely easy and intuitive to do all sorts of fancy effects without a lot of fuss. The effects ive seen that it comes with look great and they have all these nifty add-on packs. It seems like this is a most-bang-for-your-buck (and time) type tool.

    I think it’s worth a try. Download the demo on their site and play with it for an hour and see how it feels 😉


    Laura Woodmansee

    @andyfreist – Thanks for posting this! I’ve been using Screenflow, but this looks like so much more fun and creative! Do you know if you can add your own motion graphics, etc? Thanks again, Laura


    Lisa R


    Buy this!

    I used Filmora for my introduction video when I had never used a piece of editing software in my life. Go see!

    It’s so much easier than Camtasia or Sony Vegas, and it’s a fraction of the price. And you also get the free updates, which are really really good.

    The chromakeying is respectable (though not the best you’ll find), but the titles and text options are waaaaayyyyy better than other stuff that’s out there, unless you want the mega learning curve and expense of Premier Pro or similar.

    No brainer.



    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Laura, you can browse the guide/help online and see what is does and doesn’t support on Windows vs Mac. (I’m annoyed that their menus on the left collapse after clicking an item, but it is well organized.)

    I just heard from Lisa that they have great support, too. She wasn’t totally thrilled with the green screen as of a year ago, but loves it overall.

    She said “it’s actually a really good piece of software and is much more intuitive than most video editors. The chroma keying isn’t quite as good but it does the best titles / text and effects of anything I’ve seen so I think it’s definitely a win for easy video production. And I think the colour adjustment options are better too.”


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Ha! And she reappeared long enough to comment while I was copy-pasting her comments.

    Good to see you on the mountain, buddy.
    (Even if it means another 15 bajillion I need to make up to close that gap to #1! 😉 )


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Yeah from what I can tell, Filmora may not be the “best” option in terms of creating super duper pro-level videos, but it DOES appear to be the most fun and intuitive. In my opinion, anything you create while enjoying the process is going to be better than anything you create when not totally stoked.

    I’d encourage people to start with Filmora and use it until you fully outgrow it and are ready for the big guns 😉


    Laura Koller

    @waynebuckhanan if you are offering I will happily take you up on the offer for 10 bucks.

    I have no video experience and would probably use iMovie otherwise.  But my son (the Minecraft fiend) would love the picture in a picture and screen recording features, and then he can teach me how to use it.  Platform = Mac.  If you have an extra I’ll spend $20 for 2 licenses for our 2 Macs and it sounds like I need a license for each computer, right?  If not, one is appreciated.  If none, then I’ll just put my head under a rock and “procrasticlean” until I can’t avoid this any longer (the disaster house would appreciate the cleaning).  I am terrified of video editing.  Just keep me posted, Mr. Taking-on-a-Lot-Right-Now

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