New Home Forums Course Creation Resources Autoresponder Question

8 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 10 months ago
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    Thanks for your suggestions for an autoresponder. Before I invest I want to ask a few more questions. Is there an autoresponder that you can buy outright, instead of paying a monthly fee? I would still need something Very Easy, versatile and that is compatible with Zippy, which is the platform I invested in last year.Yes, I know-lots of expectations. Also, I am wondering about the timing of choosing an autoresponder. My course is not finished yet, (no surprise there), but is this the type of cost I need to incur at this stage? Thanks guys- I appreciate your time and thoughtfulness.
    Sincerely Laurie-


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Hey Laurie,

    I split this question into its own thread as it was in the Green Screen thread and isn’t relevant to that ๐Ÿ™‚

    To answer your questions:

    1. There is no autoresponder service that you can just buy outright (and if there was one, it wouldnt be very good).

    2. Out of the two autoresponder services we recommend at Automatora River (ConvertKit & Active Campaign), Zippy Courses integrates with only ActiveCampaign. You could also use Mailchimp.. Both of those options will be about $10/mo to get started.. Thats 2 coffees a month. Not a big deal ๐Ÿ˜‰

    3. You need your autoresponder service when you start setting up your automations (Automatora River)

    Does this answer all your questions?



    Hi Andy: Thanks a lot. Sorry, I didn’t see this answer and rewrote the questions for the coaching session tomorrow. You can choose to ignore it! No $10.00 a month is not bad at all. I have been spending more than I am making, so need to justify to my husband and college partner-for new expenses. You did mention Active Campaign might be more complicated? I am low tech, so would mail chimp be a better option? I am also going to ask zippy if they can add on a feature to allow Convert Kit eventually.(I can always hope). Thanks a lot, Andy. I appreciate your response.


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Mailchimp is more than enough for you at this point ๐Ÿ™‚

    You can always upgrade later.

    Mailchimp is free to start, but you have to get a paid plan to use the autoreponder features.

    ActiveCampaign isn’t neccessarily more complicated at face value, but it CAN be far more complicated/powerful once you start diving into advanced automations/etc.

    All in all, mailchimp is going to be the easiest route for you at this stage..


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I wanna jump in here as well.

    If thinking longterm approach @laurieszott, Active Campaign is great. As a non-techie, the basic automation features and email campaigns is quite simple. I’ve really been enjoying how to use it.

    Having used Mailchimp as well, I haven’t found the learning curve to be that different. If you know one, you can definitely figure out the other pretty easily.

    That’s my thoughts. Thanks for the question and keep up the climbing!



    Hi Bradley:
    Thanks for your thoughts and I appreciate you giving your opinion. I just saw your email. I am still debating about which auto responder to use and waiting for my designer to get back to me, as she will have to install it. I will take a look at Active Campaign, as I thought it was too “difficult”previously.
    We are really busy with recording our aromatherapy course at this point.
    Our course is a bit of a hybrid-I am taking something we have taught at the college, in person for 27 years and adapting it. So, it is “strong” on content, but follows some of the old, education model. At the same time I am trying to infuse theme and bringing in some of the newer ideas presented in this course.It is a “credited” course with the federal government. It is also a piece of our current 3 year diploma program. So, I am also a bit stuck using the pricing we already have listed, as the diploma is a certain price. We still have costs like keeping a building and staff running, so we are in the between stage of adaptation to a different paradigm.
    A hug to you Bradley for your input-at all points. The group of 4 of you are doing really well.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    This sounds amazing @laurieszott. I love that you’re creating a course that’s credited with the federal government. That’s really cool. If there is any support you need coming up with a theme that works, let us knwo. Here to help and brainstorm. So happy you’re enjoying your adventure to the top. We are too!!



    Hi Bradley:
    I do have a large overlay theme, (partly there) I’m thinking about for the 3 year program as a whole. But, putting this one course together is taking a lot of time, so I’m not sure when I will get to the others..6 major courses and a number of minor just the one program. This of course is between keeping our business and lives, sort of together. You know the drill.

    I am struggling at times doing the technical pieces, as they are not my strength.
    I would love to tell you about my overview theme and have your input and do a bit of brainstorming.
    However, because it involves my husband and another partner I am not as free as some students to disclose at the campfire. I feel a bit badly about this.
    Would it be o.k. to just write you about it? As, I would love your feed-back.
    I have also written a draft of my connection letter this week-end, but it needs to be tightened and I seem to be drifting with tenses- Also, because I haven’t totally committed to my large and smaller theme, it is not as developed in the connection letter as I would like.
    My one stuck point is still the autoresponder, as my web designer is not working for a while.
    So that’s my update. I am loving the process, except for the technical part. lol.
    Thanks Brad
    With appreciation- Laurie


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hey @laurieszott, happy to offer our eyes and thoughts. Email @andyfreist and I at

    Curious what tech pieces you’re struggling with?

    Also, if you feel like it’d be beneficial, you may wanna consider getting you and your team on a coaching call with Andy and I. We can blast through a whole lot of clarity in 45-minutes.

    Look forward to learning more about what you’re up to.

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