New Home Forums Introductions AUSSIE ADVENTURER

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 12 months ago
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    Helen Pickering

    Hi my name is Helen
    I’m a Intuitive Life Coach and my passion is teaching people to be the true essence of themselves, I help them clear what maybe holding them back and
    I’m so excited to be here, I signed up as I currently do personal sessions and retreats which can be limiting, I want to give people the tools to achieve their greatest dreams and find the inner sparkle from anywhere and any time.
    What kind of e-course I want to create? This is the question I’m currently working on. I have so many ideas, I’m hoping that as I go through this Adventure that I will find the answer to this question 🙂
    What makes me come most alive is My family and friends, but have to say watching people find the answers that they have been looking for that inners spark lighting up and walk away feeling excited about what lies ahead.(Making me smile thinking about it)


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hi Helen, it’s marvelous to have you on the mountain with us. You’re definitely gonna fit right in with this wonderful tribe of adventurers! Be sure to go introduce yourself to some other folks and then dive right in to the journey. We’re here to support your every step.

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