Awesome deal on AudioBlocks today. It’s down to $49 for a year’s membership with unlimited downloads. I could easily spend close to that sourcing sound effects for just one video so well worth the spend for me.
Awesome Lisa!!! Thanks for sharing. Would love to hear how your progress has been going since your last post. If you think I can help, reach out  🙂
You’re welcome Lorraine! I haven’t seen a video/graphicblocks offer for Black Friday, but I have bookmarked this landing page for a limited-time offer they emailed out a while back, which brings the Videoblocks price down to $99 for a year, which is the best deal I’ve seen for it so far. (If anyone else has seen a better price for it please send it my way!) It seems to still be functioning so could be worth a try? (not an affiliate link).
Brad – I just updated my progress log and have sent a few questions your way there!