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1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by  Master ZenTeach 8 years, 9 months ago
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  • #22138

    Trish Hyatt

    Although originally designed to be marketed to equestrians I will rebrand in the near future because the results of this program are just too awesome to not share.
    People get to the webpage various ways. I offer 1 weeks free trial which you’ll see when you go there.
    I am still working out the best way to market and get conversions.
    Feel free to sign up and let me know your suggestions. And feel free to share. Thank you

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    Master ZenTeach
    @Master ZenTeach

    Hello Trish. Master ZenTeach here.
    Do you have the analytics to measure how successful your landing page is?

    1. How many people have landed on your page?
    2. How many people have given you their email in exchange for your free trial?
    3. How many free trials have purchased?
    4. Have you asked your intended audience how your landing page lands with their heart? That is good to know.

    Once we understand these simple answers, we can start to dissect what needs to be improved…. Rather than change things for the sake of change without looking at the facts first.

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