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Jo Rhodes 9 years ago

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New Home › Forums › Philosophy, Mindset & Preparation › Appreciating the Dream NOW happening….
As I sat by the Reflection Pond, I realized I am actually living a lot of my dream lifestyle. I’ve just been spending way too much of my attention on the things I am not doing and don’t have, to fully enjoy what I already DO have. ( Note to self: “Stop being so hard on yourself! You are closer to your dreams than you think. Appreciate what you have already created.”) I choose to more fully enjoy my wealth of time, spacious schedule, the beautiful places I live, walking every day in nature, connecting with close soul kin, having creative adventures, dancing, sounding and just BEing.
Some things I will be DeLighted to DO with greater financial freedom….
…..And what I can do now to make it happen:
Travel! Hawaii, Bali, Ireland, England, Iceland, New Zealand ….. find ways to get paid to travel.
Sonic Creations! Create soundscapes for dancing and elevating consciousness. Do more live vocal sounding. Go shopping for new musical instruments at Ghandarva Loka World Music shop in Vancouver. ….. Learn Ableton (sound production software) by scheduling in a little time each week just to play around and get back to dj class with my dj guru. Arrange some regular jam time with my sounding buddies.
Set up my very own Studio Space! A spacious zone for creative exploring in multi-medias ….
Clear out a little nook in my current living space for exclusive use as a creation zone.
Beautiful reflection at the pond Luma!
It’s so easy to focus on the lack and what we’re “going towards” rather than what’s here.
If you catch yourself out of the flow of appreciating this here, this now, this view this IT, then here’s a little video I created with a couple buddies back in 2007 that went viral and has made a lot of people smile (and dance). Hope it’s a good reminder 🙂
LOL!!! Bradituding style! Love the video. Must have been a blast to make it. Hard to not feel gratitude when you are dancing. Thanks for the reminder dude 😉
I had similar thoughts Luma – I already do many of the things I enjoy. I want to travel more and use my free time to help kickstart community projects. I already am doing these things but have had to take time out to look after my elderly dad and so our income has been really erratic over the last few years- would be nice to be able to do what I do now and know we have more than enough to pay the bills.
We travel a lot visiting friends and relatives and work at festivals over the summer.. but looking forward to bigger trips in other parts of the world. Montreal will be our first big trip when my ecourse is hugely successful 🙂
Love that gratitude dance Brad!
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