New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines All about guidance

4 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Peggy 9 years ago
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    Going through the milestones to create some content, I came to a breakthrough. Finally, it will be 8 milestones, presented through 8 separated eCourses. Each eCourse is going to open to the next one. To access the further eCourse, there going to have a check-in. The check-in will be about assessing were the person is on the path, what he/she needs to access the next level, if he/she needs so. The check-in will be a review of what the person did and extracted from the eCourse through a private session. It will garantee safety and improvement.

    I created only the 2 first levels for now.
    1st level is an introduction and could be a possible free level.

    All about Guidance (Introduction)

    1. The Four Dimensions of the Human Energetic Field
    Discovering the 4Ds
    Teaching through a video, audio meditation to discover

    2. Anatomy of an Energetic Center
    Discovering the structure of energetic centers
    Teaching through a video

    3. High Sense Perception
    What, who, why, when
    Teaching through a video

    4. Your Abilities
    Get awareness of your own abilities
    Video support, audio meditation to discover, Pdf to fill

    5. Your Abilities comes from Your Traumas
    Discovering the golden shadow of your traumas
    Teaching through a video, audio meditation to discover, Pdf to fill

    6. Improving Abilities
    Learning how to improve your abilities
    Teaching through a video

    7. Training Programm
    Discovering my eCourse structure, method, benefit and launch summit
    Video + Programm handout

    8. Self-reflection
    Clarify your longing to pursue
    Survey to send back, private call

    Kinesthetic Sense: Knowing Your Body (chapter I)

    1. Physical Sensations
    What, who, why, when
    Teaching through a video, audio meditation to discover, summary Pdf as a supportive reminder for next lessons

    2. Your Genealogy
    Having an overview of your constellation
    Guiding video to make the exercise, family tree Pdf to fill

    3. Bodies Stories
    Having an overview of the physical challenges (illnesses, surgeries, accidents, chronic and current issues) of your constellation
    Guiding video to make the exercise, family tree Pdf to fill

    4. Nurturance
    Having an overview of the food and drink habbits of your constellation
    Guiding video to make the exercise, family tree Pdf to fill

    5. Self-care
    Having an overview of the self-care habbits (hygiene, products used, kind of therapists consulted) of your constellation
    Guiding video to make the exercise, family tree Pdf to fill

    6. Your Body Logic
    Extract the essence of your body story to define the dimension in which you evolve
    Guiding video to make the exercise, timeline Pdf to fill

    7. Healthy Nurturance and Purification
    Identify your negative nurturance habbits; Assessing your knowledge according healthy nurturance and purification for the body
    Guiding video to make the exercise, Pdf to fill

    8. Healing Team
    Create a healing team to surround you
    Guiding video to make the exercise, Pdf to fill

    9. Self-reflection
    Clarify your longing to pursue
    Survey to send back, private call


    Catherine Fox

    Impressed by the clarity of this. Particularly intrigued by the concept of the “golden shadow” not heard that before!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Great job flushing out @peggy.

    I’m curious how you imagine you’ll do the “review” process to grant people access to the next course? Will you treat it like an application process where you connect over skype?

    Also, where you wrote:

    Kinesthetic Sense: Knowing Your Body (chapter I)

    Everything below that, is it for your Level I eCourse?

    Looks super intriguing. Great work.



    Hi @catherine_wildfox

    The shadow is an unmanifested dimension where lies many things you are not aware. Psychology would call that the unconscious. But still it is present and it is having a lot of power. For example, someone who had a huge trauma but went into denial not to be in contact with this anymore may act according that trauma without knowing it. You can manifest negative créations (from dark shadow), but also positive ones (from golden shadow). In my case, when I was little, I was the only small little child in my family and to get attention, I had to be wise and accurate. I started developping great mental abilities. I think from that trauma and that fear of rejection, there is a golden shadow: it is easy for me to reach higher concepts. From that gift, I manifested a PhD and 2 master degrees 🙂

    Through discovering His/her main issues, someone can reach the heart of the trauma and extract his/her beautiful gifts.



    Hi @bradleytmorris

    Chapter I is the 1st level and 1st milestone 🙂 I am writing the next ones. I thought while doing this, I am going to start writing an eBook that I will self-published with Amazon. People can go through the eCourse and get more details with the book. But they would be able to train with workshops I could organise.

    Each level is like an introspection level to go deep through some inquiries. People can built their own logic to understand their path and extract from it the juice of their beautiful essence. My intention through the review is to assess what kind of reflection they got and how deeper I can help them to go. I really would like people to connect to their higher self and essence from their self-reflection. When I would feel they reached as far as they can go in this moment, I would allow them to access the next level. It is also a question of safety: channeling and accessing guidance is not an easy path. It is not easy to access wisdom and Truth. It takes a lot of courage and grounding. It is safe to have a nice hand guiding you on the path not to get lost 🙂

    I imagine that like a Survey that would help the person to summ up and extract the essence of what they found out through the inquiry. Then, I would give some feed-back with guidance. I am working with the angel guandians. They are very concrete and pragmatic. Then, I am not sure yet, but I would also offer a Skype call. That would be part of the package when you access the level.

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