New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Alchemist's Adventure : Journeys of Transformation

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    Catherine Fox

    Still not distilled to a sentence, but on it’s way..! Love to hear feedback on this.

    1) WHAT is the eCourse all about that you’re inspired to create?

    The Alchemist’s Adventure Series :
    These are about how you can harness Alchemical Imagination to have real world success, emergent magic and a powerful creative drive. Applying alchemy principles to your own real life experiments, you will unlock the Art of Transmutation and be able to turn the raw materials of your Self and Circumstances into Life Gold.

    2) Out of all the options, WHY are you most excited to create this eCourse?

    Alchemical Imagination is a path that really works – especially for people who have strong right-brained creative leanings, and who tend to rebel against dogma and rules. It helps people to claim their transformative powers, to stop being a victim of circumstance and instead grow from every experience, thus becoming more True, more Creative, more full of Beauty.

    For me : I love seeing truth and beauty emerge in others, and allow them to flux and change – I don’t need people to be fixed, just to be true. I create containers for transformation in my one on one bodywork. This is a way to allow me to do so on a bigger scale. I am excited to share what has been an enriching and powerful method of growth and adventure in my own life.

    3) Describe WHO you are creating this eCourse for.

    • Smart, creative, rebel-types who don’t fit easily into anyone else’s system, and who are drawn to magical stories that mix light and dark.
    • They are likely to be struggling with operating effectively in relationships, “real world” challenges and with how to be motivated to change or progess. They may be lacking a sense of purpose or be in a state of deep rejection – either they are wrong, or the world is wrong, or both.
    • They are interested in how body, mind and soul come together, but are pissed off at the new-age light and love solutions because they seem so shallow and one-sided. These are people who feel drawn to the dark, rejected parts of life. They may be pagans, metal fans, walkers into dark and edgy places, ‘deviants’ of various kinds, steam-punk/goth etc.

    Their classic Problem : “I struggle to be in a world without magic/art/story in it, but I also know that escaping to imagination land leaves me ineffective and disconnected. I want to feel that my whole being can be present in my work, my relationships, my art, my life. I want ways to transform my struggles without denying them or papering over them with fake positivity.”

    4) Describe the TRANSFORMATION or benefits they’ll receive by going through your eCourse.

    They will discover a way to live in an integrated fashion without rejecting any part of who they are or the world in general : leads to confidence and enthusiasm.
    They will be grounded and effective as well as enjoying magic and imagination every day.
    They will be tuned into their own creative power and see real shit actually happen in their life, rather than just talking about it or hoping for it.

    5) Using your skills and resources, HOW do you intend to facilitate the ultimate transformation?

    Alchemist’s Apprentice : initial journey, 5-6 weeks
    Teach the core concepts of alchemical thinking, to give a new framework for understanding the world and how to approach it.
    Teach The “Lesser Mysteries” and elemental magic – in a modern, relevant format. P
    Teach process of transmutation – making Life Gold.
    Set people Life Experiments so they can test, discover, and begin transforming their own life or circumstances. The playful/experiential component is critical.

    Deeper journeys (longer courses) 6 months

    – this will have community/campfire support and coaching calls
    – creating your own ‘philosopher’s stone’ which requires a deeper, darker, underworld journey – the emerald process
    – I might do a specific one for women and their sexual/menstrual cycles
    – developing your own archtypes and symbolic magic

    6) If your eCourse was a person, how would you describe its PERSONALITY or VIBES?

    Like a darker harry potter school for adults – same mix of school and magic, and same mix of mystical secrets in a ‘muggle’ world.
    Bit rebellious and “fuck it let’s just try setting fire to things and see what happens” edge.
    Humor that stops it being too esoteric or pretentious.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    YES @catherine_wildfox!!!

    I am loving this and man you can have a blast with the design and delivery elements. Love the Harry Potter’esque vibe for adults. I can tell, this is gonna be a badass, cool course to go through!!

    Time to start flushing out your lessons and modules a little more, huh?


    Christy Greenwood

    Catherine, this sounds awesome!!


    Christy Greenwood

    I look forward to our next buddy talk. My journey is also an alchemical experience! Let’s talk alchemy sister!

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