New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines A slight detour…

4 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  RebeccaLaChance 9 years ago
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    As I’ve been constructing this course, I realized that a simpler, easier course is at the core of what I want to eventually develop.  So…I’m working on the easy, simpler core.  Also, I have already published a Photography 101 mini-course that can be leveraged as the beginning structure for this e-Course.

    What:  PhotoStories of the heart.  A 5 week course (15 e sessions plus practice time by participants) teaching participants to take photographs that reflect their own hearts/feelings/emotions.

    Why:  Three reasons. 1) people have been asking me “how” I take the photographs I publish.   2) there are  many courses out there that focus on the technical perfection  – before the user even understands what the camera can do.  And 3) to provide inspirational examples of photographers who have grown and developed into other enterprises through their own styles of photography.

    Who: Beginning or enthusiast photographers (cell phone cameras and DSLRs) who don’t understand how to take a photo beyond a snapshot.  They want to make photographs that feel artistic to them.

    Transformation:  By the end of this 5 week course, the participant will produce photos they feel are reflective of the emotion they want to convey. (Okay…a little wordy there.)

    How:  (weekly assignments/work based on the weeks topic)

    1.0  Welcome, explain FB group page/FAQ page

    1.1 Not a competition. Post favorite photo- what do you like? what do you want to improve? (a metric of success for the participants)

    1.2 Minimal tech stuff – back button focus and why.  Aperture, what it is and why it’s important to this course.

    1.3 Inspirational Interview

    2.1 Compositional elements using color, luminance, light/dark, warm/cool, texture/lines

    2.2 Using light and a visual library

    2.3 Inspirational Interview

    3.1 Finding heart and emotion in the details

    3.2 Depth of field and black/white in moodiness/emotion

    3.3 Inspirational interview

    4.1 Adventures in post-processing (minimal)

    4.2 Life as Art

    4.3 Inspirational Interview

    5.1 Stories of the heart – from 1 photo to a collage

    5.2 Share your Story – what do you like about the photos/how do they compare to the first one you posted?

    5.3  Inspiration Interview

    6.0 Thank you, please send feedback


    My vibe is practical, easy to implement, loose, conversational, occasionally self-deprecating, and inspirational.  I share a lot of my own Before and After photos.

    Whew!  Have I forgotten anything?




    Anneke Dekkers

    Sounds great! You are so right to make it simpler.

    Got to make mine more simpler yet. Thanks for the example.



    Glad it was useful, Anneke!




    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    High five for keeping your first course simple!! Very wise!!!

    Oh and I LOVE your idea for your course. That is going to be so fun for people to go through.



    Thanks @bradleytmorris!   I’m looking forward to learning about the “making it fun” part!


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