New Home Forums Introductions A Brave Creation

4 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Sharyn Warren 9 years, 1 month ago
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    Hello folks,

    I am an artist (sculptor, installation, participatory and conceptual artist), a designer, and now starting a new business as a life coach after many years of doing the adjunct-teaching-at-universities for minimum wage thing for many years. So I’ve got teaching chops but online courses are a whole different thing than classroom teaching.

    I am pretty rapidly building out some group coaching programs and some class ideas, thinking I want to both expand my reach and make more sustainable income over time. I started teaching a national tele-class, by the seat of my ever-suffering pants (I do a lot of things in life this way). The class is called “The Brave Creation: Essential Self Care and Creative Practice for Mothers of Young Children” – which is pretty self-explanatory. The class is turning out to be incredibly content rich and powerful (I guess you have to just start to really find that out sometimes) and I see lots of potential to develop some of this content into other kinds of classes and offerings. And I am super passionate about artists, and mothers of young children, like me. So yay.

    I’m here for some more info and inspiration to create really beautiful online courses. I sure hope you guys are going to tell us who did your design and what tech platforms you are using. This place rocks. And you have a cute green screen setup happening. I can smell the marshmallows!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hello Amy and welcome to the campfire! The smell of marshmallows is always in the air around the fire.  😉

    Wow, another extremely multi-talented human on the trail with us. It’s so exciting to see all the skillsets you have and how you’re applying them. We can guarantee inspiration, clarity and fun will be a common theme in these parts as we trek to Launch Summit.

    As for the design of everything you see and experience, we can thank our good eCourse Adventure Guide, Andy Freist for that magic. He is our Tech Genius here. You’ll learn all about the systems we use and simpler versions if technology isn’t your BFF once we get up to Technosis Lookout to help you create a beautiful, smooth-running eCourse experience for your tribe.

    we’re so happy to have you here. Let either of us know if you have any questions or suggestions.

    Enjoy cruising the campfire and making new friends. There’s lots of cool peeps here.

    See you in the next lesson.



    Hi Amy

    I love what you have described here. Self care, art, children and motherhood… and your beautiful energy to weave it all together. I wish you the best in this program:)



    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Hi Amy!

    Welcome and thanks for sharing what you’re up to. I think you have a potent offering on your hands, and look forward to seeing it come to fruition 🙂


    Sharyn Warren

    What a Brave Heart, you are Amy. Thanks for sharing this. I think I could learn a lot from watching how you do this adventure. I have my own version of courage, but not the sort that has me jumping out in public and playing in the traffic. Good and best wishes, Sharyn

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