New Home Forums Community, Engagement & Gamification 4 Ways to Climb the Metaphorical Mountain with our Customer

2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 9 months ago
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    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Essentially, we are guiding people up a metaphoric mountain. Whether they’re learning a skill or going through some form of personal transformation, they are going to experience some form of learning curve. The biggest the learning curve, the steeper the mountain.

    There are many ways we can get to the top of that mountain. Most people, when they first meet you aren’t going to want to go straight to the top of the mountain with you.

    They would probably prefer something simpler, like a Walk in the Park.

    Perhaps once they’re done that, they’ll take you up on a day trek or weekend adventure.

    Once you’ve built the trust and developed a relationship, they may want to explore deeper and go on a Vision Quest with you.

    Eventually, once there is a deep trust and strong foundation build they’ll be ready to climb to the top of the mountain with you and in this case: Go on your Great eCourse Adventure.

    Here is a PDF demonstrating the 4 types of eCourses you can create…

    For a deep dive explanation of each, you can go to this article we wrote…


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    Akasha Madron

    Learning about these different levels of engagement helped me dramatically. Lightbulbs went off in my head and I immediately knew what my Walks In The Parks were and my first group of Day Treks.

    Originally, I was trying to start with a Vision Quest length course. I feel so much more confident in what I am creating now that I’ve broken it down into more easy bite sizes.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    This is so awesome @mysticsparkling! Pumped to hear that the lightbulb went off and you know what to do now!!!

    This particular lesson is going to be a part of the third checkpoint to help people earlier off in the journey.

    It was an ‘ah-hah moment’ for us as well!

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