New Home Forums Monthly Challenges April 2017 Screw It, I’m Gonna Do It Questions

7 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Lorraine Watson 7 years, 8 months ago
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    Lorraine Watson

    Tossing my hat into the challenge ring. With what is yet TBD. Lots to choose from. Need to do some sifting out the chaff to reveal what I’m doing anyway and what keeps being put on the back burner. Something will be there four weeks from now.


    Sue-Ann Bubacz


    Having the same problem…just too much to pick from! But, I’m narrowing it down since yesterday because I think we have to “declare” what we plan to do…by the 7th…maybe…hmmmm



    Lorraine Watson

    Fortunately, if we have to declare something I have a fall back position. Trying to decide if I’m jamming out on less fun stuff like website redesign, or creating a manifesto / point of view series that somehow keeps getting delayed. What would put me furthest the ahead 4 weeks from now, and what are just noise.


    Lorraine Watson

    @bradleytmorris & @andyfreist – clarification … is qualifying for the challenge nullified if we don’t set aside and specify a specific day or times to work on our project?


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Awesome Lorraine. Excited you’re coming to the party!

    To answer your question: You need to announce what you’re doing and then to give at least one progress update each week, as well as launch something on the 5th of May.  🙂


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Yep, so put another way:

    You need to devote a full days worth of work per week.. You can split between days, but for us we find it far more effective and easier to devote a full day.

    As far as what to focus on.. Listen to your heart over your mind 😉


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Oooh! Great questions Lorraine, thank you. I just just got home from the summit I attended and saw the challenge, and wasn’t sure about it all either. Will have to think on it as well! 🙂


    Lorraine Watson

    Switching actual project logs for Being Beyond Gratitude ecourse challenge and Seela’s Wish website.

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