New Home Forums Tech Support & Bug Squashing 2/3 listening in on the webinar

5 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 9 years ago
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    Deb Robson

    I think other folks can do questions/chat. I don’t have an input box, and it says questions aren’t an option. I’ll be really quiet–or is this a repeat of last week’s? I see a comment from me that I remember making. Sounding familiar, too.


    Deb Robson

    Okay, just got a new message with a different link. It first gave me a 404 message, but now (I tried again) I have a screen telling me that things are starting in 10 minutes.

    Somehow I had 6:30 down as starting time.

    Is there a list somewhere of the dates/times for the online sessions? I didn’t see one easily.


    JoAnn Turner

    The Coaching Page has that timetable.


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Ah strange.. I didnt know you could still access the replay with the old link! Glad you got it sorted 🙂



    please direct me WHERE is the “coaching page” i don’t see a coaching page and also when i enter it into the search button it does not appear.. it is not in campfires/checkpoints. please direct me…thanks..Niki King


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hi Niki, if you look at the menu bar at the top of the website, you’ll see “Checkpoints, Campfires, Coaching and Badges”

    Click that for all your coaching needs.

    Or click here:

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