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Deb Robson

Okay, Sherry, yes, that’s me. And I’m 67.5–so we’re not that far apart. My Ashford kit is a 1974, and indeed, I remember not being able to get spinning fiber!

I don’t despise Merino at all. I just get impatient at the fact that it overshadows all the *other* wools, and people can’t see past it. By the way, you would probably very much like and be able to work with Romeldale/CVM, a rare breed that’s fine. I can see why you would say “some Falkland.” The islands breed for quality, but they mix in some more medium genetics. If you need the finer ranges, your success would depend on the specific flock. That can be hard to trace in prepared fibers unless acquired directly from the Falklands.

About two years ago I got a Hansen spinner, too. Mostly it was because when I travel to teach, I have had to locate, borrow, retrieve, and return a local wheel, and I needed to take any stress out of the trips that I could. The Hansen goes with me. I bought it in the lightest wood and with a lace flyer (for compact size and weight). I love it! I spin with it all the time at home, too.

I’m DebR on Ravelry, although I’m not there a whole lot. Ravelry can eat your life {grin}.

So good to find not only adventurers here, but adventurers who have a *clue* what I’m talking about {grin again}.


P.S. Ravelry tells me you’re in NJ. I taught in Ringoes last fall.