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Penny Claringbull

Hi Kenneth,

Just saw your buddy hunt post and thought I’d get in touch because I’ve spent the last 7 years working with young people and sustainability/environmental awareness. My work involved catchment tours examining human impacts on wetlands/waterways and impacts on the Great Barrier Reef, plus working with schools, along loads of work in environmental communication and behaviour change. I was based in the northern tropics of Australia, although I’ve just moved south.

Looks like you have a bit of interest from other would-be buddies (plus there’s the time difference) so no worries if being buddies isn’t for you but I’d love to keep in touch and see what you do along the way. Or maybe we could have a buddy group? The others look great! 

PS – Human chicken-pig? I have dressed up as a dugong/manatee (complete with ice-vest because a dugong suit is VERY hot in N. Queensland…) and a tern. I drew the line at the green tree ant costume – the thick green stockings were too much for me 🙂