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Bradley Morris
Mountain Guide

Dear Diary,

The next phase of this adventure is about to begin. I feel a rainbow of emotions about this.

Getting this far on the trail has been more work and effort than I’ve ever invested into any project in my 11 year entrepreneurial adventure. This is truly my dream project. The thing I’ve been waiting to create for about 8 years since getting into the realm of online transformation work.

I feel naked, vulnerable and like I”m baring my Soul to all of these adventurers. Thank God for my meditation practice, daily golf game, nature time and incredible conversations with my wife, Celeste.

Even after all these launches and all this time and energy that’s gone into this course, I still get the question in the back of my mind sometimes:
“Will they like it?”
“Did we do everything ‘right’?”
“Is it supportive enough?”

I feel incredibly grateful for everyone who sees the magic in this creation and is excited to infuse their life experience, creativity and passion into an eCourse of their own (thank you).

My appreciation goes out to my team today. We’ve pulled many all nighters and all dayers in the last five months. It’s such a gift to be able to create something so meaningful, transformational and fun with some of my favourite people in the world.

Back to work I go to prep for the next phase of the journey.