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Hi Jessica…

I just posted my Buddy Hunt “Excited about Art and Spirituality”.  I saw your Hunt and was intrigued. I am definitely feeling your vibe and I love the idea of teaching art while traveling through an exotic location! (Ooh, how cool is that!)
My Italian is limited to “Dove il bagno?” and a few other necessities.  I love Italy and am trying to convince the Hubster he needs to take a 3 month teaching position in an Italian university so we can “immerse ourselves”.  (LOL, he’s not the adventuresome type.) I have, and continue, to travel a fair amount. (Burma, India, Europe a ton of times, Mediterranean, England, Iceland…) I do understand the keeping up good habits while traveling!

While I’m not into tiny houses (although I love the idea), I do live in a “Small house” and I don’t just mean square footage.  We deliberately chose this passive solar home that we have fitted with “up the wall” shelves/bookcases and put unused niches to work – all stemming from our belief that small is comfortable and more sustainable.

I can imagine a lot of ways that we can benefit each other in our journey…Take a look at my buddy hunt and if you feel a reciprocal vibe – we can go forward from that point.

A great day to you!
