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Bradley Morris
Mountain Guide

Smiling BIG right now after reading what you’ve shared @catherine_wildfox

Thanks for SEEING the magic in our creation. Funny enough, we asked ourselves many of the same questions that you were pondering. We were tired of being “those guys” creating things that weren’t ALL of us and didn’t 100% stoke our creative fires.

We feel really grateful to have found a way to collaborate, use our gifts serve awesome people doing amazing work AND be wildly creative, silly and have fun building incredible businesses and lifestyles. There’s a whole lot of win.

Gratitude like your’s is definitely fuel in the fire for those moments where we question “WTF are we doing, is this for real? hahaha” Cuz it definitely happens from time to time.

Thanks for getting behind this adventure and for sharing your enthusiasm. I’m excited to climb this mountain with you!