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Bradley Morris
Mountain Guide

Wow @lumasphera, it is so awesome to have you here.

So many gifts. So much to share. Yup, you’re on the right mountain. It’s time you get your work out to more people in the world.

Fear not friend, this is just one big, awesome adventure!! We’re here to have fun, learn, grow and share.

Looking at all the ideas for courses, you’re going to need a great audio mic for recording guided audios (that was my first though). If you use an iPhone, I have been using the Zoom iQ5 mic, which is pretty solid for doing audios (when in a padded room). Just felt like I should mention that so you can get your mic asap and start practicing!

Super grateful to have another Salt Springer on the mountain with us. There must be 5 or so by now…

Happy hiking Luma!